GRANDMA COKU SORRY EVEN THOUGH SHE KILLED A MAN! She suffered a lot, she did not suffer injustices and here THEY KILL A MAN, AND NOW YOURSELF!


Stojanka Stojanović (72), known as grandmother Coka, who was found dead on Thursday with a knife buried in her heart and a farewell letter at her home in Zvezdara, is mourned by many neighbors and citizens, although in 2018 she killed investor Zoran Trifunović in the middle of the street (59)!

Stojanka lived in a modest house with a courtyard on Olgica Pavlović Street, which the citizens renamed Stojanka Stojanović People’s Hero Street on their own initiative. The board with this inscription was covered yesterday with the original name of this street in Zvezdara, and the citizens were photographed next to it. For many of them, she is a hero, not a criminal! In addition, social networks are flooded with comments in which the majority complain about Stojanka!

photo: Vladimir Šporčić

Grandmother Coka committed suicide the day before yesterday and in her farewell letter declared that she was apologizing to her son Marko and that she could no longer bear the pressure.

Sorry, Stojanka

– I’m sorry about our Stojanka. And he deserved this street to be named after him! I do not know how it is possible that he committed suicide in such poor health, because, as I heard, he had been immobile for some time. I would not want to sin my soul, but let her kill that investor – says Stojanka’s neighbor, while the other adds:

– She suffered a lot and let me judge him.

Residents of this part of Belgrade say that Stojanka has been suffering all his life.

– She lost her husband more than 30 years ago, her son Marko was little then, he didn’t even go to school. She suffered no injustices, which resulted in the murder of that investor. That is why it has become a kind of symbol of justice and courage.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Psychologist Vesna Tomić pointed out that it is possible to justify murderers in our country.

– In a society like ours, where there has been a complete investment, we are propagating some wrong values. We have examples where students hit and bully their teachers and that’s fine with us. Also, we have examples of parents attacking their children’s educators, he says, adding:

– There was an alteration of values, so it is not ruled out that the murderer was justified and loved.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Violent reactions

Boža Spasić, a former DB member, said this case provoked backlash:

– The public has been divided before, so some supported him, and others condemned him, so it is now – some suspect that he committed suicide and others that it was murder. Many things coincided, that her son was away from home at that time and that she had managed to write a letter. Another illogical that is as if an old woman had so much power to pierce her chest. I don’t think he suffered public pressure because the public was on his side.


Crime in front of the camera

photo: screenshot

On September 2, 2018, Stojanka Stojanović killed investor Zoran Trifunović (59), and the crime was recorded by security cameras. The video shows Stojanka, disguised in a cap, approaching the investor like a “professional”, pulling a pistol from his bag, shooting him point-blank and finally convincing him in the head. Grandma Coka was under house arrest with a babysitter and the trial has not yet started. It was last postponed on December 2, and her attorney later told the court that she was infected with the coronavirus and was in serious condition. Branka Travica Photo: Nemanja Nikolić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
