Tag Archives: included

Who will be included in government projects and how

[ad_1] The Government of Serbia has adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the employment strategy from 2021 to 2023, according to which it is planned to allocate just over 7 billion dinars for various projects and activities this year in order to increase the employment of the working …

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Madeleine Albright will be included in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on behalf of the next US administration

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – Johns Hopkins University Washington professor Daniel Server said former U.S. chief of diplomacy Madeleine Albright will be included in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on behalf of the next U.S. administration, regardless of what Serbs think. about. photo: Beta / Armenia Zajmi Bešević “It doesn’t matter …

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Serbia included in list E

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DS DATE AND TIME: 21.09.2020. 18:47 – 21.09.2020. 19:13 Edge, Photo: Tanjug Embassy Italy in Serbia, it issued a statement indicating that Serbia is included in the E list, which means that there are certain facilities for the entry of citizens. SURVEY: Have you planned a trip to …

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