Tag Archives: helicopters

BY CAR THROUGH THE JEWELERY WINDOW The Serbian actors of the FILM ROBO in Dusseldorf, took jewelery worth MILLIONS of EUROS, the police chased them in helicopters

[ad_1] By order of the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office, four suspects were arrested last night for robbing the “Breguet” jewelry store in Dusseldorf on December 14, during which they stole valuables worth around one million euros. NS (47), NB (52), AJ (51) from Belgrade and S. Š. They were arrested. …

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THE MUP ANNOUNCED AFTER THE RESCUE OF MILICA AND STEFAN: Helicopters, police officers and volunteers are key to finding two young men

[ad_1] After a full-day search led by the Ministry of the Interior, members of the police, the Department of Emergency Situations, the MUP helicopter unit, the Mountain Rescue Service, the Despotovac hunting association and numerous volunteers, Milica Mirjanic (2000) and Stefan Rusov (1997), whose disappearance was reported on 12.18.2020. years …

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Helicopters, Grandmothers and Frogs – Personal Attitudes

[ad_1] Why should Serbia not borrow from commercial banks or the foreign financial market due to new government measures? Type: Milorad IlicMay 13, 2020. 18:30Modified: 18.31 Why is there so much fear that most economic entities will not “beat”, or that they will dismiss workers permanently, if their economic activity …

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