Tag Archives: constantly

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION IN THE DISTRICT OF RASINA: Another citizen of Kruševac passed away, positive confirmations about the crown constantly arrive

[ad_1] Meanwhile, another death was recorded in Krusevac, bringing the number of deaths diagnosed with KOVID-19 to 65. Most of the new cases registered come from the Krusevac territory – 130. The Emergency Situations Headquarters is awaiting the opinion of the epidemiologist of the Institute of Public Health on the …

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HOW WILL WE CELEBRATE THE CELEBRATIONS? In the family circle, from a distance, and epidemiologists explain why the CANDLE, THE LAMP AND THE TAIMAN MUST BE CONSTANTLY BURNING

[ad_1] In anticipation of the season of celebrations, which will be celebrated this fall and winter in specific circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic, the profession’s recommendations are clear: baptism should be celebrated with respect to all epidemiological measures, with family and fewer guests. Epidemiologists constantly warn that the risk …

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[ad_1] The always smiling presenter revealed that during the virus pandemic she spends a lot of time at home and that she does all the household chores herself. Photo: P. Dimitrijević / RAS Serbia Namely, Suzana Mančić revealed that she spends her time cooking, so she recalled the stress she …

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