Tag Archives: Centers

Today, closed cafes and shopping centers, open-air theaters, hair salons, gyms …

[ad_1] The Serbian Government has decided that catering facilities and shopping centers will remain closed today, while service activities, grocery stores, cinemas, theaters, galleries and libraries can operate with strict epidemiological measures. Cinemas, theaters, libraries and other cultural institutions, hairdressing salons and other service activities must provide a minimum of …

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Two shopping centers fined for Black Friday

[ad_1] Sarajevo – Alta and City Center shopping malls in Sarajevo were fined 3,500 convertible marks (1,750 euros) each for violating epidemiological measures during the Black Friday operation. Source: Tanjug Saturday, 11/28/2020 | 19:44 -> 09:00 Photo: Depositphotos, pressmaster The Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs said the shopping center was …

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