Tag Archives: American

LAST VIDEO OF SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC BEFORE GOING TO THE HAGUE! He lit a cigarette, then the American soldiers brought him water to wash, they couldn’t believe what he told them then! (VIDEO)

[ad_1] After his arrest in April, Slobodan Milosevic was taken to the Central Committee, where he was extradited to The Hague in Vidovdan, one of the biggest Serbian holidays and the date of the colors in Kosovo, which has a special symbolism for Serbian politics. He was transported by helicopter …

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There will be no new American attack on the Serbs in Kosovo!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Sputnjik/NA DATE AND TIME: 14.01.2021. 22:09 The United States needs to fabricate a foreign policy crisis to consolidate the national scene. The new US administration has an agenda for this part of Europe similar to that of the 1990s. Joe Biden, Photo: Illustration They intend to intensify the …

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Pandemic leads to American “Chernobyl” instead of Chinese

[ad_1] Ljiljana Smajilovic says that the Chinese managed to keep the pandemic under control, while the Americans have so far failed to do so. “The Americans programmed and it turned out to be American Chernobyl. The first victim is Trump, and the election results proved it. This damaged the reputation …

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