Tadic: Signing in Washington implicit recognition of Kosovo – Politics


The president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic, valued that the agreement recently signed in Washington was “catastrophic”, because, according to him, it represents a “small act of implicit recognition”.

Tadic: Signature in Washington implicit recognition of Kosovo 1Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Barda

He stated in Print of the Week that the fact that Kosovo was not represented in the negotiations with an “asterisk”, implying a neutral attitude towards its status, meant that Kosovo was “treated as an independent international entity”.

“Each act of implicit recognition is a step towards legally binding recognition … In international relations, each act is interpreted as a new factual situation,” Tadic said.

He also stated that it was not true that the point on the recognition of Kosovo, “point 10”, as it was called by the media and representatives of the negotiating team, was a legally binding recognition in general and that it affected minorities.

Marko Milanovic, a professor of international law at the University of Nottingham, disagreed, saying that Serbia had implicitly recognized Kosovo in the negotiations.

“Legally binding recognition (does not work) step by step … You cannot recognize the status millimeter by millimeter.” The government of the Democratic Party spent a lot of time not to oppose the fact that they implicitly recognized Kosovo, but that star it’s worth nothing, “Milanovic said.

According to him, the result of the agreement can be threefold: the continuation of the status quo and the frozen conflict, a legally binding agreement that will not be an international agreement or an explicit recognition through an international agreement.

Milanovic also assessed that Serbia did not gain anything from the Washington agreement, as well as that the United States gained more than both parties in the dispute.

“Untrusted vendors are an article that points directly to Huawei” Something similar happened when the UK Government recently told its citizens that removing Huawei equipment would cost them two billion (in the short term) and the entire economy (in total) seven billion. “President Vučić didn’t tell us anything,” Milanović said.

The assistant professor of the Faculty of Political Science Milos Hrnjaz said that the wording “legally binding international agreement” can be interpreted as synonymous with an international agreement, to go towards that, but that it is more important how Belgrade and Pristina will negotiate their public opinion.

He added that it is more important than the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina that this could mean a turn in international relations with the United States, and that what Serbia gets from the promise of economic cooperation is important.

“And you get a letter … Three agencies are mentioned in three points, but there is no promise from the US … We may be able to get something in the medium term, but you should get something stronger in return, except the promise of US President Donald Trump, an unstable man (who may lose the next election), ”said Hrnjaz.

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