– Serbia knows how important a strong army is and remembers and celebrates its famous military leaders, warriors and heroes well. There is no Serbian house that does not remember our glorious history. Today, a vocal minority wants the military to be weak or, God forbid, non-existent. Until yesterday, everyone was happy to remember military service, morale, discipline, military memories, and then all of a sudden, the spirits that were criticizing him were awakened. Serbia is a country of heroes, a country of brave people. We are proud of our army. We support Minister Stefanović’s commitment to a strong and well-equipped army – Đurđev points out.

Photo: Belgrade Media Center
Serbia would be better suited to a mixed manning system in the country’s defense system, so that for jobs requiring high experience and specialization, adequate budgetary funds would be provided for professional soldiers, and all other formations would be covered by service. Mandatory nine-month military – is the position of the Serbian League (SL), which is only updated when we look at the security situation in the region.
– There is a similar mixed system in Germany, while compulsory military service for all citizens operates in Switzerland, Russia, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and military service mandatory in Israel. the mandate lasts up to three years for men and two for women – concludes Aleksandar Đurđev, president of SL.
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