SUNIOG: We are awaiting a document on the implementation of the agreement on ZSO


– It is up to the Government of Kosovo to propose a path for progress. From my point of view, there were various documents and informal communications on this issue, but we are awaiting the position of the Kosovo government on how to proceed on this issue, Suniog told KTV.

When asked if they would act on these recommendations, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Kohi’s office did not provide answers.

The written response reiterated the position that the basic principle of dialogue is “that there is no agreement on anything until we agree on everything” and that there is no partial implementation of the agreement.

A statement from Antigone Badzaku Idrizi, director of the Information Office, states that “there is a decision of the Constitutional Court and a written guarantee from the former European Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Federica Mogherini that the JCC cannot have executive powers.”

According to her, “within the principles of dialogue, which have been accepted by local institutions and international interlocutors, at this stage we are working on a comprehensive final agreement, mutual recognition and normalization of relations.”

Belgrade and Pristina initially agreed to the formation of the Union of Serb-majority Municipalities in April 2013, Kosovo recalls online.

Two years later, in 2015, they debated the principles on which this Community would be based.

At the end of 2015, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo assessed that 23 points of the Community Agreement did not comply with the Constitution of the so-called Kosovo.

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