The director of Telekom admitted that there was a document published by N1 television


Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said in Belgrade that he had been informed of the existence of an agreement between Telecom and Telenor, and said a reaction was expected from the Commission for the Protection of Competition. Jelisaveta Vasilić, a member of the Anti-Corruption Council, believes that the Prosecutor’s Office should react to the contract between Telecom and Telenor. And the director of Telekom, Vladimir Lucic, 17 days after the N1 television announced it, admits that there really is a document that aims to destroy SBB, United Media and the H1 and Nova S channels.

The director of Telecom reaches everywhere except H1. After touring televisions with national frequency, he was also a guest on K1 cable television. There is only one issue: the contract with Telenor.

Vladimir Lucic assures that he does not have common objectives with that company, but for the first time he admits that the document published by N1 television is a document from Telekom Srbija.

K1: It is said that this is a business move, which has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of the press, I ask you once again to explain to us that it has nothing to do if SBB is reduced to 30 percent and if it will not be able to finance their channels. Just to remind you in the document obtained by N1, the Telekom document writes about the content, our TV channels, how the use of our infrastructure is implicit and the use of our content will allow the complete mastery of our content in relation to United Media . channels, so the aforementioned service contract ends United Media and SBB’s business in Serbia.

Lucic: So what I went and explained before. Come on, what do we think, we think, be careful, so we thought, in fact, if you want me to put it that way, we broke a concept of monopoly and introduced a new competitiveness.

Although it states that only the introduction of a new competitiveness, the guidelines for the future work of Telekom Srbija clearly show the objective of the contract with Telenor

“Total collapse of SBB after the entry of Telenor. With the collapse of SBB, Telekom will remain the only content provider with the ability to create new channels and earn money from both Telenor and users, ”read Telekom documents obtained by TV N1.

Vasilic: The prosecution must react


Jelisaveta Vasilić, member of the Anti-Corruption Council, believes that there are many debatable elements in the contract between Telekom and Telenor. How can Telecom, as a state company, transfer the right of use that it received from the state to a third party? Vasilic asks.

“Whoever gave his consent to Telecom, had to give his consent to the Government or the Minister that Telecom can enter into such an agreement because it is public property, if neither the Government nor the ministers do it, then the prosecutor can do it after the criminal report , because dispose of state property in that way is not allowed, “warns Vasilić.

Babis: That’s the Serbian question

Tanjug / Zoran Zestic

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš, visited Serbia today. The owner of Telenor in Serbia is the Czech Peter Kellner. The journalists of the Czech national radio were interested in how that country would react to the business of the Czech company in our country.

Journalist: He spoke of investments between the Czech Republic and Serbia. Are you interested in the issue that is present in Serbia, that the activities of Peter Kellner and the PPF group can contribute to the closure of certain media in Serbia, and do you think you should solve it?

Babiš: The ambassador informed us about that. As I understand it, this is a business dispute that should be resolved by the Commission for the Protection of Competition. This is an issue that I should not be dealing with personally, I took note and that is the issue of Serbia.

We remind you that at the 388th session of the Telecom Executive Committee, according to our information, the director Vladimir Lucic said that the presidents of Serbia and Hungary, Aleksandar Vucic and Viktor Orban, requested such an agreement, which Vucic denies for now. .
