Strahe: My position on Kosovo has not changed – Politics


Former Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz Christian Strache, who was deprived of seats in the Government and the functions of president of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) due to the “Ibiza” affair, returns to Austrian politics as the holder of the “Team HK Strache” in the Vienna elections scheduled for October 11.

Strahe: My position on Kosovo has not changed 1Photo: EPA-EFE / CHRISTIAN BRUNA

In a conversation with Novi magazin Strahe, he says that as regards Kosovo, his position has not changed and that Kosovo is part of Serbia.

He adds that, in his view, a solution similar to that of South Tyrol is needed for northern Kosovo. It also considers an acceptable solution to change the borders, but only if both parties agree within the negotiations.

Speaking of the relationship with the Serbian community in Austria and Serbia, Strahe points out that he has always maintained friendly relations with the Serbs and Serbia.

“The HK Straha Team’s candidate in the Vienna elections for city council is Zoran Kovacevic, a policeman with Bosnian-Serbian roots. He is running for a prominent and promising place in the upcoming elections.

I think this is a clear signal to all those who are of migrant origin, and who have been warmly welcomed to Vienna and Austria, that they must support their new home while not forgetting their roots. For you, we are a political home ”, emphasizes Strahe.

As the main focus of his party in the upcoming elections, Straha claims they are in favor of social justice, austerity, greater security, the fight against radical Islam and a more direct democracy.

“The crazy ideas of red and green must be a thing of the past,” adds Strahe.
On the possible results in the elections, Straha says the mood is incredibly good, so failure is not an option.

“We are convinced that even if we go to the polls for the first time, we will win five percent. A surprise in the form of a double-digit percentage would be desirable, but it would cause a political earthquake in Austria, ”says Strache.

On the possible coalitions after the elections, our interlocutor says that they are possible, but on certain issues and during certain activities and from the position of the opposition. “Above all, we will be a strong opposition to the future government of Vienna.

Only a strong social and domestic party, such as the HK Štaha team, can oppose the fantasies and omnipotence of the socialists. “We will closely follow the mayor of Vienna, Ludwig, and his associates to improve Vienna,” he added.

Speaking about Vienna and security, he noted that people outside the European region have recently had conflicts on the streets.

“We have children who do not speak German, women who can no longer move freely and safely. This is no longer our Vienna. We do not want the Islamization of Austria and that is why we demand that immigration be limited to those people who integrate and identify themselves with our Christian way of life, tradition and culture.

The Serbian community is an example of all that here, ”concludes Strahe.

When asked if there is a possibility of postponing the elections due to the coronavirus, our interlocutor points out that it is unthinkable and that it would be a political-democratic scandal.

“What was done under the auspices of the crown is incomprehensible and incredible. Among other things, basic human rights have been violated. Postponing the elections would be like abolishing democracy, ”stresses Strahe.

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