Stojiljkovic on minimum: single digit increase unacceptable for unions


The situation is difficult due to the coronavirus pandemic and it is necessary to maintain employment, and after that we need to see how much room there is to increase wages, United Branch Trade Unions president “Nezavisnost” Zoran Stojiljković told H1.

Explain: there will be some increase, it is minimal and it is in single digits, which is unsatisfactory from the union position.

“We need to see what can be done in this situation when demand needs to be sustained, and that assumes that people are working, so they can spend something, and what is a tolerable price for the economy and employers. So it’s a package. complete where the minimum wage is only part of the story, which we will see how it will end and with what increase on Monday, September 14, at the session of the Economic and Social Council, “said Stojiljković.

Employers, trade unions and the Government of Serbia they did not agree on Tuesday the percentage increase in the minimum labor price for 2021 because they all stayed with their previous positions, said the economic adviser of the unions of the united branch “Nezavisnost”, Zoran Ristic. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia believes that “the Government has maintained its commitment that Serbia remains a country of cheap labor.”
