Stefanović: The SAA has a plan to replace Vučić by three points


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Borko Stefanovic, said during the founding of that party’s Board of Initiatives in Opovo that the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party Aleksandar Vucic “sells Serbia for nothing to prolong his political life and buy more time for himself and his “The ‘team’ continues the robbery that began a few years ago,” the SAA said in a statement.

Stefanovic said the SAA “will not allow that, and that a plan was presented a year ago on how to overthrow Vucic.”

“We exposed his dictatorship with the first step. The second step, that is, the agreement under the auspices of the European Union, must guarantee fair and honest elections, in the form and according to the model already applied in North Macedonia and Montenegro”, Stefanovic said.

According to him, “the third step is taken by the Freedom and Justice Party every day, and that is the strengthening of the organization that brought together all those people who want change and a free and decent Serbia in record time” .

And in our Banat, instead of investing in agriculture, they import dirty technologies from China, where workers have to work for low wages, or sell Serbian land, apparently, to Arab investors. They do the same with US funds that do not provide investments, but loans that also pay interest, ”said Stefanović, the SAA announcement states.
