Stefanović: The government first mocks our proposals and later adopts them belatedly


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Borko Stefanović, affirmed that the measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, which the political option proposes, are first ridiculed and ignored by the authorities, and then belatedly adopted, the SAA announced today.

Regarding the assessments of the member of the presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, Biljana Ivkovic, who stated that the leader of the SAA, Dragan Djilas, “today shamelessly proposes measures and the closure of Serbia, and (who previously criticized the measures implemented by the State “, proposed measures to combat the coronavirus in Belgrade and Serbia.

“At that time, we asked the government to get serious, to invest in protective equipment, medical personnel and hospitals, and we repeated that the virus should be taken seriously. Then Ivković and his bosses responded with ridicule, recommendations for shopping to Milan, recommendations to drink something “. brandy, that Serbs are genetically resistant to the crown or that the crown does not attack women, “said Stefanović.

He added that the SAA later criticized the decision to introduce the daily curfew, and that instead of receiving a response, they received “even stronger imprisonment from Serbia, repression and torches on rooftops.”

Today, when we look for concrete measures that do not foresee any imprisonment of people, but the restriction of the work of the catering facilities, the extension of school holidays, as well as the use of the private health system to care for non-kovid patients, ” They obviously don’t exist because government officials say the number of 270 ventilator patients is almost critical, “Stefanovic said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
