Starting November 10, you will be punished on the spot for NOT wearing masks, but also much more.


Communal militiamen and communal inspectors of the city will be able to impose fines on the spot in at least one week, for not wearing a mask or disrespecting physical distance in open or closed spaces.

In this way, it will greatly relieve the sanitary inspectors of the republic, who until now have been the only ones authorized to implement anti-epidemiological measures of the Crisis Staff.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

These are the most important changes to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which has already been drawn up by the Ministry of Health and which will be presented on Thursday in the session of the new government. According to the announcements, the amendments to this law should be approved by the parliament next Tuesday, November 10, which means that the crisis personnel measures could be implemented more rigorously in Serbia from next week.

As a reminder, currently only the republic’s sanitary inspectors can impose sanctions for non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures, of which there are only 140 in the entire territory of Serbia.

With the amendments to the law, part of their authorizations will be delivered to the city’s communal inspectors and communal militiamen, who will be able to control and punish not wearing a mask or disrespecting physical distance in open and closed spaces. This specifically means that when the amendments to the law are approved in the Assembly, the communal militiaman or the communal inspector of the city (tourist, ecological, market …) may impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot to whom, for example, do not wear a mask or be indoors. respect the prescribed physical distance.

In addition, the city municipal inspector or communal militiaman may issue a fine to a legal entity on site if, for example, there is not enough space between tables in the catering facility or there are more guests than allowed in relation to square feet. The fines for a legal entity range from 50,000 to 500,000 dinars.

By the way, the communal inspectors and communal militiamen of the city will not have all the authorizations of the sanitary inspectors with the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, but only those who do not enter the medical profession.

In other words, it will sanction those violations of anti-epidemiological measures that are visible to the layman.

For example, they will be able to sanction nightclubs for organizing parties where, at first glance, it is clear that no one wears a mask or respects physical distance, as “Blic” journalists recently confirmed.

If we take into account that only in Belgrade there are about 370 communal militiamen, and that 53 different municipal inspectors from the capital participated in the actions of control of anti-epidemiological measures in the last three months, it is evident that the sanitary inspectors of the republic will receive a big boost. As a reminder, city inspectors can currently only sanction non-compliance with working hours, in accordance with the Catering Act.

A communal militiaman or a communal city inspector can impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot for anyone who, for example, does not wear a mask or does not respect physical distance inside.Photo: Beoinfo / Tanjug

A communal militiaman or a communal city inspector can impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot for anyone who, for example, does not wear a mask or does not respect physical distance inside.

And how have the republic’s sanitary inspectors been punishing lately? Most invited to respond is Goran Stamenković, Deputy Minister of Health for inspection matters. As he says, health inspectors are obliged to submit a request to initiate a fault procedure to the competent judge, for legal persons, for businessmen, for legal persons in the responsible person, but also for citizens who do not respect the prescribed measures.

– In the previous four days, 2,237 inspections were carried out, 74 requests for the initiation of misdemeanor proceedings were filed – Stamenković noted.

By the way, sanitary inspectors in the previous period more frequently imposed sanctions for non-compliance with physical distance, non-use of masks, but also for the lack of disinfectants in the facilities.

Ranko Šekularac, deputy head of the Communal Militia, warns that the epidemiological situation in Belgrade is fundamental, noting that in the previous period citizens rarely adhered to the measures, especially when it comes to personal self-protection measures, that is, wearing masks and limit the number of people indoors and outdoors. space.

– At the moment, we can only warn, point out the obligation to respect, but not react repressively to the most irresponsible – Shekularac points out the importance of the next changes to the law.

Who does not want to pay the fine, can go to court

Whoever is fined for not wearing a mask indoors has the opportunity to pay half or less (2,500 dinars) days immediately or within eight days, or to file a request for a court decision within that period.

If the person does not pay the fine within eight days or does not file a request for a court decision, the final order of execution reaches the court. Said order is executed by suspending the fined portion of the salary through the employer, blocking the account until the fine is paid or changing the fine imposed for work in the public interest (eight hours of work in the public interest for 1,000 dinars) or prison at the beginning of a day equal to fines of 1,000 dinars.

For non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures

  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for one person
  • 50,000-500,000 dinars for a legal entity
  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for an authorized person in a legal entity
  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for entrepreneurs

VIDEO: Sequence of symptoms in coronavirus
