Someone was upset about the Washington deal in June, ZSO IS CANCER for Kosovo


The president of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Hashim Thaci, said tonight that someone was bothered by the possibility of reaching an agreement in June in Washington, and that is why the indictment of the Special Court against him was published.

“One thing is true, someone bothered to come to an agreement in June in Washington,” Thaci said on “Pressing” on T7 Pristina television, Kosovo reports online.

According to him, he did not know that he would be summoned by the Special Court in The Hague, adding that preventing his trip to Washington was a surprise.

He also said he learned of the accusation from the media when he got off the plane.

“In those circumstances, I would not allow myself to continue, because the message and the meeting lost their meaning and significance. I heard from the media when I got off the plane,” says Thaci.

Thaci said prosecutors from the Specialized Chambers did not ask him about organ trafficking, the Yellow House and any murder, although the first two charges are the basis of the Special Court.

“They didn’t ask me about any murder,” added Thaci.

He commented on the agreement signed by Belgrade and Pristina at the White House and evaluated that the culmination of the agreement would be mutual recognition. Thaci also says that “the recognition of Israel is historic.”

He also said that he never spoke about the exchange of territories, but only about the annexation of Presevo to Kosovo.

“I want Presevo to be annexed to Kosovo, but there was a lot of talk about it in Kosovo about the White House,” he said, asking where the knives were on the maps that Self-Determination leader Albin Kurti was talking about.

As he said, those who spoke of knives and division must apologize to the people.

Controversial point about Gazivode

Thaci said Washington accomplished what others could not for years, because they had no ideas and no power.

He added that the agreement is almost the same as that previously agreed, but that there are still some differences.

“There was a change. In the circumstances we were in at the time, we presented the point that both parties are working on mutual recognition. It pains me that this point no longer exists. We missed a great opportunity. The other points are what they come from the Berlin Process as Mini Schengen “The point of the agreement on Gazivode is controversial, but it is good that someone has decided to send it to the Constitutional Court, because this will clarify things,” said Thaci.

ZSO stands for RS within Kosovo

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said tonight that the creation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ASM) in Kosovo would be a big mistake and would initiate the “disintegration of the state from within”.

“Community means Republika Srpska in Kosovo without recognition,” he told T7 television, adding that it was a “big mistake” if the JCC is being discussed in Brussels now, Kosovo Online reports.

“There is no one to blame. Why talk to Serbia about our territory inside Kosovo? It is a cancer for the state of Kosovo. No one on Kosovo soil has the right to speak about the Community,” Thaci said.

He also said that he did not believe that there was a member of the Kosovo Assembly who would vote for the Union.

Earlier today, the EU Special Representative for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, stated that the JCC would not be on the agenda of the meeting in Brussels on Monday, because one of the parties is not yet ready for discussion.

The formation of the Union of Municipalities with a Serb majority is foreseen by the first Brussels Agreement of 2013, reached in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. The specific details are further harmonized with the principles, that is, the general elements, of the 2015 agreement.

However, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo determined in December 2015 that the principles of the JCC were not fully harmonized with the Constitution of Kosovo, but, as they added, this could be harmonized through a legal act of the Government of Kosovo and the Statute of the Community, remember Kosovo online.

The issue of the formation of this community sparked fierce debate and mass protests in Kosovo in 2016.

The JCC issue was raised again on September 7 this year, within the high-level political dialogue led by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti.

VIDEO: Signing of the historic agreement between Vučić, Hoti and Trump
