Some have the tax waived every year, others are asked to pay it upfront.


The leader of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, evaluated on the occasion of the taxation of Internet workers, that the state divides people again, while some are allowed not to pay millions of euros in taxes each year, forgiving or rescheduling your debt. They are asked to pay him five years ago, it was announced from that party.

Of course, that is nonsense and impossible. In March I spoke about the problems in the IT sector and that the state must take different measures, because people who work in IT can go tomorrow, they can get work wherever they want, and many countries give them very special tax breaks. Unfortunately, there was no understanding. We have now switched to freelancers, Djilas explained in a written statement.

It considers that it is necessary for state representatives to sit down with these people, to agree on their tax situation, the minimum monthly amount that will not be taxed at all and how to pay the amount and the agreed tax in the easiest way possible.

And, of course, forgive what happened five years ago, because the Tax Administration obviously did not do its job well. There are people in this country who owe hundreds of millions of euros. 125 million euros are uncollected debts, only the 50 largest debtors. They are operating normally, they are building houses in Dedinje for several million euros, they are driving cars in Kopaonik, which cost a million euros and they have no problem, Djilas said.

He added that, on the other hand, whoever taught mathematics classes and earned 300 euros a month, and earned 18,000 euros in five years, should pay 9,000 euros in taxes and interests of 14,500,000, which of course is impossible.

So instead of harassing people, sit down with them and make a deal, create a system that starts to work from tomorrow, that is fair and allows them to survive. Remember, this is the time for the crown, the economy will be in an increasingly difficult situation. Take care of the people, let them really earn something and let them stay in this country and live in it, Djilas said.
