SHIPS AND CONTRABANDS ON THE DANUBE: More than five tons of diesel fuel missing from the Dutch ship Servia


Specifically, only 36 tons of the reported 41 tons of diesel were found, thus reopening the issue of piracy and smuggling on the Danube.

Despite the state’s efforts to stop river crime, smugglers are so perverted and organized that while there is much less smuggling today than before, it is far from being eradicated.

– Everyone knows that this network is highly organized, so the smugglers work according to a proven recipe and have radio connections that can “spy” on the police. In addition, a network of contacts with foreign crews has developed, and there are also well-hidden “boxes”, that is, special ships for transporting goods, says one from Smederevo.

Supporting these claims is the fact that two years ago the Smederevo police seized up to six unregistered special tankers for the transport of illegally purchased goods, with a volume of between 10,000 and 15,000 liters. In addition, there are numerous cases in which foreign crews report to employers the lack of fuel, after smuggling, as a theft, which they allegedly did not notice at all. Local police officers, for example, cite the example of an entire Romanian crew who were fired because they were selling goods from a ship and reported the shortage as theft …

Also, the River Police did not even exist on the waterway near Smederevo until a few years ago, and now it has a patrol boat, not enough for the local port, which is one of the largest loading and unloading points on the Danube. More specifically, police records reveal that around a thousand foreign-flagged ships enter here annually, and at least another 500 dock in transit.


The misdemeanor court fined the commander of “Servie” with a fine of 251,000, as well as 250,535 dinars on behalf of the equivalent of the goods, and the Kladovo customs office made the decision to collect a total of 505,286 dinars, thus that all this was paid to the budget of the Republic of Serbia.

In fact, in recent years, smugglers have been hampered by the electronic exchange of data on goods and means of transport in road transport, which the Customs Administration has established with neighboring countries that are not members of the EU. . Thanks to that, the Serbian emperors thwarted several large smuggling actions.

“ŠTEK” One of the warehouses, Photo by the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia

Another problem, perhaps even greater, is posed by pirate groups. These are dangerous and arrogant criminals, many times armed, which is why during their attacks not only physical conflicts were registered, but also the closure of property in the cabins …

The big “landing” at Smederevo has not yet been forgotten, since a year and a half ago, when it was attacked

SUPERVISION River patrol near Smederevo, Photo by N. Živanović

A Bulgarian convoy of trucks named “Petar Karaminchev” found the old port. Then the river gangs, in just four nights, stole up to 40 tons of various goods and, during one campaign, they managed to unload about 30 tons of grain!

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