Shippers are dangerous, children die, and here’s what to do to avoid a tragedy


Unfortunately, tragedies due to faulty installations are not uncommon.

The horror that occurred in Voždovac two days ago shocked Serbia. Ognjen (12) died when he wanted to connect the charger to the extension cord.

At the same time, that accident was reminiscent of the one two years ago in Zemun, where the boy, also trying to plug in the charger, ended up in the devices.

The head of the Laboratory for testing of environmental working conditions of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade and the expert in domestic installations prof. Dr. Miomir Kostić warns that there is only one mistake with electricity.

“We live surrounded by electrical appliances in old houses and apartments. There are no regulations that require periodic inspections of the facilities. If the installations are faulty, the sockets of each device, and therefore of the person, are also faulty. Even if it’s a phone charger. they can be dangerous, especially if they are not of the right quality, that is, if they are not certified, ”says Dr. Kostić.

Remember that we do not install pre-voltage protection devices that send excess electricity to the ground, which increases the risk even more.

“As far as the phone charger is concerned, there is no reason to keep it constantly plugged in, especially when there are small children in the house. The charger is constantly consuming electricity because it works practically constantly, regardless of whether, say, it is not on it. And when something runs constantly, is prone to failure, and can cause a dangerous 230 volt secondary side voltage breakdown, which is extremely dangerous. “There is something wrong with that. They are certainly not expensive and their replacement will not have a great impact on the family budget, and can avoid a great tragedy, “said Dr. Kostic.

The manager of a service for renowned mobile phone manufacturers agrees with him, saying that they are most annoyed by those who do not care about damaged or uncertified chargers.

“Original chargers are not usually a problem because they are certified, tested and there is a warranty on them in the first place. The biggest problem is counterfeit chargers that were once very faithful copies of the originals, which are not licensed by the manufacturers. of telephones and original parts. They can cause various damages to the phone hardware, and sometimes they can cause a fire, “warns the interlocutor.

It points out that chargers are generally not repaired, but must be replaced immediately, and that this should be done at the first signs that something is wrong, such as an electric shock when removing the phone or other devices from the charger or a spark from the outlet. plug it in.

“Such things happen when the chargers are damaged and in most cases the copies do not have enough insulation and therefore an electric shock occurs. The consequences of the discharge can sometimes be minor in the form of burns. or minor burns, and depending on the strength of the discharge, they can sometimes be fatal, as is, say, the case with the unfortunate children we mentioned, so it is important that we never leave the chargers plugged in, we keep them away from any source of heat, humidity and protect them from mechanical damage. Of course, at the first sign of damage. Or you have to repair the fault immediately, and not save on that “, says the interlocutor.

There are no official statistics in Serbia on how many fires were caused by faulty electrical installations or appliances, and what can be concluded, according to media reports, is that the number is very large.

These fires often leave great material damage and, unfortunately, sometimes human victims. Doctors in health institutions throughout Serbia have every year only a few cases of accidents directly caused by electric shock.

Doctors characterize these cases as incidental injuries and the success of their rehabilitation is highly uncertain. Burns are most often treated, and the most serious are the systemic risks of an electric shock that has passed through the body. The most terrible and dangerous consequences are damage to the brain, that is, to the central nervous system.


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Author: delivery courier
