She was SUPER INTELLIGENCE, spoke 4 languages ​​and could enter everyone’s soul!


Čačak – The time of the Balkan spies has passed a long time, but Ilija Čvorović from Čačak still lives in the village of Prislonica. When he was 20 years old, Branko Todorović was recruited into the OZNA counterintelligence service in 1946, but he still vividly remembers the work he did. At 94, he is fluent in four languages: German, Italian, Romanian and Bulgarian, and for seven decades he has been singing a song sung by the Germans “My Rhine, My Row … everything is ours, everything is ours”.

photo: RINA

“I had nine classes then, it’s like you have a university now, I knew the languages ​​well, I studied them with people, not in schools. As soon as the senior members of OZNA saw me, they said that I was the man they needed. “I finished the additional school for that” Balkan spy “in Belgrade, there was a classroom near St. Mark’s Church, and we were taught by excellent teachers and psychologists,” this vital old man told RINA.

He says his job was to enter the human psyche, he followed people, but he didn’t speak to them. Based only on his gestures and movements, Branko could conclude everything.

“You could call yourself a police psychologist. Everyone has their own specific way of moving, criminals, rich, poor. At the time, you only knew by gestures who was a prostitute and who was a family woman. There was no need to talk to those people, we just followed their movements, who they were with and where they were going. Then the service did their thing. At one point, they even sent me to spy on Tito, “recalls Branko.

He remained in the OZNA service for several years, because, as he says, he later realized that it was not a job for him. He exchanged an apartment in the center of Belgrade for a rural property near Gornji Milanovac, where his daughter lives today, and returned to his village.

photo: RINA

“The wages were extremely high, they paid us first class. But after that, that job was at odds with my beliefs and I couldn’t do it anymore,” said this World War II spy, not wanting to go into detail.

He also used the ability to read people like an open book in his private life, so he chose his friends very carefully. Although in the tenth decade, the “spy spirit” did not leave him, and even now, at the threshold of one hundred, he is extremely curious and agile.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
