“She lay in the street for two hours and watched the spotlights approach her, and no one wanted to help.”



04.12.2020. 21:41

On the social network “Twitter”, the story of a fellow citizen who helped, as it says in the ad, an elderly woman in the center of Zemun who sat in the middle of the street for about two hours, while other drivers simply surrounded her like an obstacle, it began to be shared in no time. on a trip.

City, rain, walking, people, Photo: Tanjug

The user of the aforementioned social network explained in a long post what preceded the moment when she decided that she would get out of the car she was in with her son and help an unhappy woman in need.

We bring you the details of the story in full.

“This afternoon in the center of Zemun, on Cara Dušana street, an old woman was sitting in the middle of the lane – one of two in total. It was already dark and I couldn’t see anything well, I only saw cars, buses in front of me giving turns and passing.

I realized that I was a living person only when I approached the car and buried myself there. Woman. Old woman. Gypsy women. She is sitting in the middle of the street and everyone is walking around her. I think (the other drivers) thought I was begging, that’s what I thought at first. I stiffen in an instant, the woman behind me naturally cursing as she tries to walk around me.

I wait about five minutes for the next lane to clear so I can open the door, my son is sitting in the back and I’m afraid someone will hit us in the back of the car. When I got to the woman I saw a stick next to her and near her on the road a telephone and a key to the house. I ask her “what happened”, she explains that she fell, that she has been sitting like this for a long time because she cannot get up (she says two hours ago). They may not be two, but they have been for a long time. From the moment I noticed from a distance that there was something on the road until I arrived, more than 30 cars and buses passed! 30 !! Nobody, but nobody stopped. It didn’t even stop! It wasn’t until I started picking her up that a guy came over and we took her across the street together. His house was twenty feet away, he looked at her all the time.

He can barely move with the help of a cane, he cannot keep his balance even while standing. When asked what he was doing across the street, he said it was with a woman who fed him. She carried two big bags of things, heavier than her. We left it at her door, but when I turned around I realized she was still there. I go back and only when he asks me again, does she tell me that she can’t even enter the courtyard of the apartment on her own.

My impression is strong that she is so used to not expecting help that when we left her at the door she did not even think about asking us to introduce her. I took her out of the apartment, another woman from the neighborhood appeared, we opened her and entered.

Thirty cars and buses, thirty times of horror in her eyes as she sees the headlights approaching her and doesn’t know if the driver will see her.

30 times that woman died of fear! That’s one of at least 70, and more, people who passed by and didn’t stop. I SHOULD GIVE YOU SHAME! The crown will not kill us, self-sufficiency will kill us, “concluded the angry citizen, who did not think too much when she got out of her car and extended her hand to the complete stranger.

It’s always easier to be guided by excuses, to blame someone else, the people, the government, the current times we live in, turn your head, because “why should I care that someone needs help when I don’t know?” .

However, when we think a little better, who is making this time, and how long does it take to pass until the lack of empathy turns into a cancer of the wounds of our society that will be difficult to heal?
