She gave up on her retired boyfriend, and this is how she talks about Milojko!


MILIJANA BOGDANOVIĆ RECOGNIZED THAT SHE WAS OUT WITH THE FOUR AT THE SAME TIME: She gave up with her retired boyfriend, and so she talks about Milojko!

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Milijana Bogdanović found herself on her roommate Marko Perović’s show, so on that occasion she admitted that she gave up on her current boyfriend Miloš.

“I always have a backup plan in my life. Sometimes they fail due to various circumstances. Everything is normal,” he says, adding:

Milijana Bogdanović
photo: Printscreen / Happy

“I learned not to be bothered by things that I cannot change. I did not even try to change about Milojko, because I did not want to continue with him.”

“Although everyone thinks that I am the only one to blame for the dissolution of our marriage, but many do not know that Milojko could not wait for it to happen. He repeatedly pressured me to file for divorce, but like I said. I have a backup plan for everything in life. I waited to see what happened to me, and then I met my current boyfriend and when I made sure, I acted exactly how Milojko wanted, “said Milijana.

“My plans with Milos are unpredictable, because I honestly think that everything will fall apart as soon as I get out. But I don’t worry about myself because I really have 4 boyfriends, and one of them will surely love me just the way I am,” said Milijana.

Milijana Bogdanović
photo: Print screen / Happy


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