14.12.2020. 21:09
One of the most influential Croatian media, Jutarnji list, published the text of the author Sonja Biserko of Deutsche Welle, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, in which Serbia is accused of instability in the Balkans, and the message Fundamental is that the Serbs must be “broken” to abolish the Republic of Serbia.

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Zoran Žestić
The chairman of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, headed by Aleksandar Vučić, sees the key issue for the sustainability of Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the establishment of peace in the Balkans in Serbia.
It states that Belgrade’s goal is “to complete the Belgrade-Banja Luka-Podgorica-Kosovska Mitrovica axis” and that this plan must be foiled.
– The Republika Srpska is a spoil of war that Serbia will not easily give up. In Serbia’s security strategy, the survival of RS is a priority – declared Biserko.
Belgrade, he says, believes that it has established good “diplomatic relations with all the power centers of the world” and that it has therefore gained geostrategic importance.
– During the last four years, Belgrade has managed to reach out to the Trump administration, which has encouraged it to increase its disruptive presence, both in Bosnia and in Montenegro and Kosovo, even to the point that it opened the possibility of “recomposition” of the Balkans – Biserko says.

Sonja Biserko, Photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović
Without solving the problem of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the stability of the Balkans remains questionable, he concludes, adding that it is necessary to avoid the influence of Serbia. Biserko says that the “imperialism of Serbia of two centuries” that, in one form or another, is implemented by all the governments of Belgrade, is especially dangerous.
– For Bosnia to become a functional state, it is necessary to put an end to the change of borders and to prevent the influence of Serbia. The imperialism of Serbia of two centuries is especially dangerous: “Jutarnji” quotes the text of the author of Sonja Biserko.
The goal is the disintegration of Serbia
Journalist Ljiljana Smajlović says that Sonja Biserko is someone who has always worked against Serbian interests in principle.

Ljiljana Smajlovic, Photo: print screen
– Mrs Biserko must admit that, in principle, she has always been against Serbian interests. Regardless of who is in power in Zagreb, he sees that interest as the opposite of that of most Serbs. He is right about one thing: the Serbs won the Republika Srpska in the war. It is his only real war booty from the civil wars of the 1990s. The chairman of the Helsinki Committee has always been against the Republika Srpska. Since the Serbs did not lose it in the war, now they fight to at least lose it in peace. That is his policy, and he is consistent in that, both when he signs Appeal 88 and when he states that “the disintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the state objective of Serbia.” I begin to think that he is closer to the truth that his goal is the disintegration of Serbia, said Smajlović for Alo.
Palanka’s behavior pattern
The Minister of Finance of the Government of Serbia, Siniša Mali, in a statement for our document, affirms that a developed and economically strong Serbia is an obstacle, both for external and internal factors.
– We are witnessing that a strong Serbia annoys many, which is why attacks against our country, as well as against President Aleksandar Vučić, have become more frequent. When I say a strong Serbia, I am mainly referring to its progress, which is visible in almost all fields, especially when it comes to the economy. Unfortunately, the greater our success, the more the attacks intensify and create a discourse on Serbia as a destabilizing factor, but they also propagate undisguised wishes to return to a time of instability and ruin. You will not see such an image of Serbia – said the Mali minister.
He says that such texts permeate the pattern of provincial behavior, according to which the neighbors do not want anything good.

Siniša Mali, Photo: Tanjug
– We are not happy when we see that someone’s economy is failing, nor do we look forward to it. While individuals are not aware of that, we are only united, when it comes to economic flows, we can progress as a region. That is why Serbia proposed the formation of the “Mini Schengen”, whose only idea is the welfare of all – says our interlocutor and adds:
– Also, it should be noted that when we talk about Serbia, the smallest decline in Europe is our great success. This gives us the wind on our backs that even in such difficult conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we hope to maintain the best result in Europe in terms of growth rate, but also in terms of foreign direct investment. I believe that with a national and responsible economic policy like this, we will be able to achieve even greater growth.
Many are scratching the doors of foreign embassies
The Minister of Finance declares that for further progress of the Serbian economy, a broader vision is necessary.
– We are also aware that Serbia is not a lonely island, and that the economy cannot be seen exclusively within its own borders, that is why cooperation is essential for us. We hope they wake up and realize that cooperation is the only cure for the recovery of the economy.
According to Minister Mali, the coordinated attack against President Vučić and Serbia is not accidental.
– In addition to external factors, we are witnessing that individuals from our opposition do not stop asking for help, scratching the doors of foreign embassies and shaming our country with lies – says the Minister and concludes:
– I sincerely hope that the hate speech and envy that some feel towards the Republic of Serbia will be overcome. The long-term orientation of our country is peace and stability, because that is the key to a better life for the citizens and the economy of the region.