
The Ukrainian Victoria lived in Italy for several years, and worked as a bartender in a restaurant in that Italian city and as a caregiver.

The traces of blood on the carpet and the blond hair believed to belong to the Ukrainian Vikotia V. (42), whose murder is suspected by KB (60) of Serbian origin, should finally shed light on the gruesome crime in Brescia.

The Ukrainian and KB were in an emotional relationship and lived for several years in KB’s house, where, according to Italian investigators, he condemned the unfortunate Ukrainian, caregiver and bartender who has lived in Italy for a few years.

Photo: Tanjug AP / Claudio Furlan / Lapresse via AP

After learning of the relationship between the two, the police wanted to speak to KB about the circumstances of his disappearance. They found him, all of a sudden, trying to dispose of the carpet in the garbage bags. It is this evidence, writes “Brescia Today”, that could end a horrible crime. KB is believed to have used a two and three meter long mat to dispose of the body.

Seen together last Wednesday

Victoria’s friends, as well as investigators, believe that the motive for her murder could be hidden in the relationship between the Ukrainian and the man of Serbian origin in recent months.

The two have reportedly not been in a relationship for months, but the 60-year-old was unable to accept it, which is why it is believed that he killed her. They were last seen together last Wednesday in a bar, and the last signal from his mobile phone was located in his apartment.

Body found buried

The body of the unfortunate woman was found buried not far from the apartment where the last mobile phone signal was found. The detainee allegedly discovered the place where the Ukrainian woman was buried in front of the prosecutor, but at the same time he did not admit to having convicted her.

The first results of the investigation indicate that the murderer first stunned her with a blow to the head, and then stabbed her several times until she suffered injuries from which she died.

After that, he buried the body in an abandoned property not far from his dream.

Despite that, KB did not confess to the murder, despite the fact that traces of crown were found in his home.

Investigators are now trying to find out if the crime was planned in advance, and that information will likely come when they find out when the hole in which the body was hidden was dug. It is also being investigated whether the murderer had an accomplice who helped him dispose of the woman’s lifeless body.


The disappearance was reported by a friend

Italian police followed KB two days after a friend of Victoria’s reported her missing. She told a friend on November 4 that she was meeting K. B, after which all trace of her was lost.

A few days later, KB police caught the end of a container as they dumped a carpet with traces of blood and a bag containing bloody clothing inside.

According to the Ukrainian media, the police took more than two hours to exhume the body of the unfortunate woman. The first results of the investigation show that she was dead for several days.

“He’s ugly, but the women were fighting around him”

Friends of the murdered woman say that Victoria met KB three years ago, when they began a love story and soon a life together. According to them, KB did not like Victoria’s friends and constantly caused problems …

They say that he has been living in Italy for a long time and that he had a work permit, and the Italian media claimed that he has been in that country for 40 years.

– He was an idiot, a very unpleasant person. He’s short and ugly, but for some reason women literally fought around him. Before Victoria, he was in a relationship with two other Ukrainian women. He also has a family. I do not know where his ex-wife is, but I know that his children live in Italy – said Victoria’s friend, who wanted to remain anonymous.

Photo: YouTube Printscreen / Police State

A friend points out that Victoria came to Italy a few years ago in search of work. He left an elder son and daughter in his homeland, who still attends primary school. Their parents take care of them.

– He’s changed a lot since you met him. She lost weight and constantly joked that the food in Italy was bad and that was why she had lost weight, recalls a friend.

He also says that it seemed like they were in an idyllic relationship, but they weren’t.

– KB hit her, several times as a murderer. However, she always forgave him, claims a friend.

He believes that the motive for the violence was jealousy.

– She is beautiful, and he … However, she did not complain to anyone. She kept everything to herself, until a couple of weeks ago when she couldn’t tolerate it anymore and gave it up. He rented an apartment, he wanted to live in peace and for his children to come. During that time, it seems like they met a couple of times and talked. They allegedly smoothed out relationships, and then she went to see him one more time at his house and never came back, says a friend.

They wrote her congratulations, she didn’t reply

As Victoria conducted an exhaustive search, many of her friends did not even know that she was missing. He celebrated his birthday on November 11. Her Facebook profile was full of congratulations with best wishes, but Victoria did not respond to them, because, as is believed, she was murdered a few days before.
