Ruzic says schools are still open, unions say – ministry has no plans


Epidemiologists will decide whether schools in Serbia will be closed due to the sudden increase in those infected by the coronavirus, says the new Education Minister Branko Ruzic, adding that the closure of schools is not planned, although the education system is ready for the online teaching. Educators do not trust the minister and say that it is time to propose a concrete plan and solutions.

Students will wait at least a little longer to greet the school desks and their friends, and when they replace the blackboard with a computer, epidemiologists will decide, says the new education minister.

“For now, there is no reason to stop life and we must have alternative solutions. The continuity of the acquisition of knowledge and the general functioning of the educational system will be ensured, and the reference bodies, mainly the Crisis Staff, will be a reference for everyone when we do and we will how to change the focus of this issue “, says Education Minister Branko Ruzic.

The Crisis Staff does not change the focus and maintains that there is still no reason to close schools, because a total of 313 students have been infected with the coronavirus since the start of the school year.

“The school system is ready to move to online teaching, but we hope that does not happen, especially considering how much it has managed to prevent the spread of the virus in schools. It is up to us, but for now I can send all the praise for children and teachers, “says crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Rather than praise, they expect a detailed plan from crisis staff on how classes will be conducted if the situation in schools suddenly worsens, unions say.

“For now, there is no such plan and it seems to me that only Minister Ruzic’s administration will have to pull hot chestnuts out of the fire. What is certain is that the school system, neither during the last school year, nor now, has not been reversed in the way that the transition to online teaching would be easy “, believes Vesna Vojvodić of the Union of Education Workers “Independence”.

The problems about online teaching for parents and teachers have been known since the last school year: computers, tablets and phones for students and teachers are lacking, but also the seriousness of the Ministry of Education.

“If we went to teaching online, we should have taken care that the students have the appropriate equipment and that we take advantage of this period to prepare ourselves with resources and knowledge that we can work online. It was an impromptu online teaching before the enthusiasm of the teachers and the burden of the parents. Therefore, we all fear a little what it will give us all as a result of the educational process, “says Snežana Romandić from the Teachers Union of Serbia.

N1: Are the teachers tired of that enthusiasm they showed at the beginning?

Romandić: They say we have no right to be tired. And if we are tired, we are just as tired as everyone around us.

Although weary, educators say they are optimistic, they hope for better communication and more understanding from the new minister and Prime Minister Brnabic to fulfill the promise of their exposition and digitize education in Serbia.
