Russian military office in Belgrade, analysts: military neutrality falters


By opening its Defense Ministry office in Belgrade, Russia is trying to regain shaken political influence in Serbia, military commentators agree in statements to H1. After the Washington agreement and after Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade did not take place, the Serbian authorities gave Moscow compensation in the form of that office and thus tried to show that Serbia did not approach the West and distance itself from Russia, Aleksandar Radić concludes. On the occasion of the establishment of the office, the EC spokesperson called on Serbia to harmonize its foreign policy with that of the EU.

The new office of the Russian Defense Ministry in Belgrade, as Moscow announced, will have the task of overseeing the distribution and repair of Russian weapons that Serbia has bought in recent years, especially the repair of the 29 moments should begin. However, it is not explained why this technical mission receives diplomatic status.

“Now we go a step further, now it is defined that these people should have full diplomatic status, for the Russians it would be a great diplomatic and political propaganda victory. This can be seen in the fact that we saw the document that establishes the office of official Russian sources. “, says analyst Aleksandar Radic.

The United States has had an office of cooperation with Serbia in the field of defense in Serbia for several years, but it is within the American embassy.

“If this office is not within the embassy of the Russian Federation, we will have a problem. It is not serious to compare the status of NATO and the status of this office, because in cooperation with NATO, we also have our office in Brussels.” said analyst Vlade Radulovic.

The opening of the Russian office comes at a time when President Putin’s visit to Belgrade was canceled, announced for October, and after Serbia pledged in the Washington Accord to diversify its energy sources.

“In the context of the Vilgarization and Vulinization of our military neutrality, we could immediately hear those ideas, that if NATO has an office and the Americans, Russia needs it, and that is proof that we are militarily neutral,” Radic added.

Russia previously applied to Serbia for diplomatic status for employees of the Russian-Serbian humanitarian center in Nis. However, although the decision in this regard has been on the government’s table since 2014, Prime Minister Vučić, and even later Prime Minister Brnabić, did not adopt it, although former President Tomislav Nikolić repeatedly insisted on granting diplomatic status to the center. in Niš.
