Romčević: The emergence of reason in public discourse is becoming dangerous


No one should be in a position to need the courage to speak their minds, that is the beginning and the end of everything, you need intelligence, you need knowledge, but you don’t need the courage to speak your mind, the playwright Nebojsa said tonight. Romčević in “Impression of the Week”, noting that the appearance of reason in public discourse is becoming dangerous.

“Ignorance can no longer be an alibi at all, I am tired as much as I am ashamed of the citizens of this country who have no problem in being denied freedom, who have plugged ears and therefore suffer for the good of basic needs, “he said.

When asked if there was anything humiliating about defending himself against the accusations of a certain deputy mayor who said he had no face because he spoke out against the government, and at the same time his series “Hotel Balkan” was shown on RTS, Romcevic said that Goran Vesić spends more time attacking, not him, he will have less time to beautify Belgrade, adding that he is not looking for a monument. “

“The problem is not in changing political beliefs, but rather that these people do not stop at any moment to deal with whoever is endangering their personal interest at that moment,” he said.

Romčević pointed out that these people have tied a character their whole lives and that they have no choice but to defend it, saying that he feels great pity for them and that he feels sorry for people who are not entitled to his personal position.

Leader Ivan Ivanović said he was not interested in Goran Vesić, but in the official.

He added that he would like Vesić to publish a recording of his conversation with the chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Đilas.

“The state is broken and does not exist. None of us experience the tragedy of what Vesić says. We should not look at Goran Vesić here, but at an official. I ask God that Vesić will play a recording of the conversation with Djilas. I asked how he was spending the summer in the complex for a million euros, with a jacket for 1,000 euros and glasses for 500 euros. It is an abuse of position when requesting information from the Parking Service. In normal countries, responsible politicians answer such You ask such questions, and he chooses what I have, “Ivanović said.

According to NIN editor-in-chief Milan Ćulibrko, public officials should be responsible for every dinar of budget money, because it is the money of all citizens.

“It is a completely legitimate question, especially if every official is obliged to report a property card to the Agency, where it says that they are paid 800-900 euros, and the jacket is, for example, 1,000”. The question arises of what he lives on. We have the right to ask one question for every dinar spent from the budget, and there are tens of millions of euros involved, “Ćulibrk said in” Print of the week. “

According to him, the first moment Vesić announced that he had read someone’s correspondence, or that of Vulin Lalić and Sutanovac, that moment the authorities must verify where you got it from, if you used something illegal to obtain confidential information.

“We must insist that the institutions do their job, if we insist that we know how much money is given for respirators, it should not be talked about by a person, but by the competent institutions,” said Ćulibrk.
