Radovanović: mentioning computer scientists is the same as if cleaners made a draft


Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović says authorities knew the numbers were tampered with, and that he asked who to blame, “although some computer scientists are mentioned, which is absurd, as if to say: cleaners are to blame, they made a mistake “.

Radovanović tells Dan live that it seems we are “facing catharsis”.

“The authorities admit that the numbers were manipulated, that the real fights are several times bigger and now the question is who to blame, some informants are mentioned, which is absurd, as if they said that the cleaners are to blame, they did a draft, “he said. is Radovanović in Dan live on N1 TV.

He adds that it was done consciously, as well as that neither numbers nor reasons can be justified.

Zoran Radovanović’s book “Medicine, Ethics and Politics” will be presented tonight at the Cultural Decontamination Center.

He believes that there is a strong movement against vaccination in Serbia, “that’s why they call me a mafioso, since I fight with those who talk about the huge number of deaths from cancer and uranium.”

Speaking that his new book contains articles with current articles on morality in science, he affirmed that this dilemma is constant and that there is an equal struggle between those who speak of the enormous number of deaths from cancer and uranium.

“There is a strong anti-vaccine movement here, so they call me a mobster, as I fight with those who talk about the large number of deaths from cancer and uranium,” says Radovanović.

“(SANU President Vojislav) Kostic should have come, but unfortunately he canceled. The book contains articles related to current problems in recent years, morality in science. The opinions expressed at that time are still valid,” believes Radovanovic.
