Provincial government influences SBB’s business


This year, the Government of Vojvodina carried out the acquisition of Internet and television without publishing that information on the Public Procurement Portal, and assigned the work to Serbian Mobile Telephony. In relation to previous public procurements, an exception was made: the Government sent an invitation to submit offers to some companies, but not to SBB, with which it had entered into a contract at the time of the tender that had not yet expired, for what they consider such a move to be a violation. competitiveness, and H1 interlocutors agree with that.

Without an invitation and without a message, after ten years of successful cooperation, SBB learned from the provincial government, only after an investigation, that it had completed a new public procurement and that MTS would provide it with the services of a cable operator in the future.

In Banovina, they say that the hiring was less than one million dinars, and they explain the procedure to select a new partner as follows: “The estimated value of the hiring was lower than the threshold to which the Law does not apply and it was carried out in a procedure in which the Contracting Body provided competence to invite entities to submit offers by email, not through the Public Procurement Portal “.

SBB’s director of commercial sales department, Srdjan Tomasevic, says they did not expect such a deal at SBB and thought they would at least be informed that a new public procurement had been started.

“It is not entirely clear why we did not have the opportunity, that is, the invitation to participate, on an equal footing with all other bidders in this tender,” he says.

Tomasevic adds that the company has nothing against someone else winning, but the problem is if the procedure is not carried out transparently.

“It is a matter of business ethics, but above all of respecting the Public Procurement Law, which obliges the contracting authority to have fair and equal conditions for all,” he points out.

Nemanja Nenadić from the organization “Transparency of Serbia” says: the fact that, by law, the authorities are not obliged to publish a procurement of less than one million dinars on the Public Procurement Portal, does not prevent them from advertising it, because there is no good reason not to.

“I think we have a situation here where the Joint Affairs Directorate, that is, if its director, or the officials who were in charge of public procurement, violated the rules of both their own act and the rules of the Public Procurement Law. In other words, they deliberately excluded one of the potential economic entities from the tender, “explains Nenadić.

The law is clear and the principle of competitiveness and prevention of discrimination must be respected, believes economist Goran Radosavljevic, regardless of the size of the recruitment. Explain that it is usually a reason not to invite a bidder because you no longer want to cooperate with them.

“It is about a state institution doing it and its task is not to please or dislike someone, but simply to ensure sufficient competition. I would not go into the reasons for what it is, it is a question from the Provincial Government, but in any case, in my opinion, they have violated the law and that process should be terminated and of course the process should go back to the beginning and let me win. the best bidder.

The company SBB suspects that this is another attempt to influence its business on the territory of Vojvodina and recalls a recent case of Plandište, when it was revealed that the employees of that municipality were asked to switch to the MTS cable network in their homes, and to numerous comments on social networks alleging that employees of public companies were agitated throughout the northern province to change cable operator. After individuals, they moved on to the corporate sector, according to SBB.

SBB operates within the United Group and also on N1 television.
