PROHIBITION from going to the Greek islands until June 1st


Greece has been locked up since March 23 due to the epidemic. Undoubtedly, the stringent measures have produced results in the fight against the crown, but have halted the tourism industry, which contributes 21 percent to the Greek economy.

“Greece wants to welcome tourists this summer, but with some precautions,” said Tourism Minister Hari Teokaris, and the Serbian ambassador to Greece Dusan Spasojevic said the country would relax very slowly, phase by phase.

He recalled that 2,576 people were infected with the corona virus in Greece and that he had died. 139. The average age is 74 years and more than 90 percent of deaths were chronic or older than 70 years.

– The best way to decide what the tourist season will be based on the measures taken and announced 24 hours ago by the Greek Prime Minister, who says that the most restrictive movement ban introduced here will be very prudent in the next month or two 23 ” March, “he said.

When asked who could enter the country and under what conditions, Spasojevic said that officially nothing was yet known about the opening of the borders.

photo: Profimedia

– For example, restrictions on movement outside the place of residence remain in force for at least another two weeks, departures to all islands are likely to be prohibited until June 1, which is the core of Greek tourism. Schools will eventually be open from June 1, high schools from May 18, no word yet on universities. Only June 1 will open restaurants and cafes, and only those with gardens. Only those who work year-round will be open hotels, but the season has yet to be discussed, the ambassador explained.

He also said that wearing masks outside the home would be mandatory, and that a ban on traveling four to four hours would be lifted from May 4, but all those who had to leave would be only those who had to go to work.

– And everyone will have to wear masks. Talks about measures for tourists are still on a long stick, the ambassador emphasized.

He added that so-called medical passports were mentioned, and that only tourists with a certificate confirming that they had a crown or a test for this virus no longer than 72 hours could enter Greece.

