Production of “Sputnik V” in Torlak will begin on May 20


Popovic and Manturov confirmed the roadmap proposed by experts from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the Gamalej Institute and the pharmaceutical company “Generium”, announced the Office of Cooperation with the Media of the Government of Serbia.

“This roadmap was drawn up on the basis of the Russian experience in establishing the production of the vaccine ‘Sputnik V’ in various factories on the territory of the Russian Federation. Four million vaccines are planned to be produced in the first cycle of production at the Torlak Institute, “Popovic said.

He noted that at the meeting between President Aleksandar Vučić and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, which was held on February 15 in Belgrade, an order was issued to prepare a roadmap to establish Russian vaccine production in Serbia within a month. .

“We did it before the established deadline. At the end of March we will sign a Technology Transfer Agreement with Russian partners. By April 16, smaller amounts of the substance should arrive in our country, from which the vaccine validation series will come. “. will be held at the Torlak Institute. In a few days they will be sent back to Russia to be analyzed by the renowned Gamaleya Institute ”, Popovic explains.

According to him, the examination of the samples received at the Gamaleja Institute lasts 21 days.

“After confirming its accuracy, the Russian side will begin regular delivery of large quantities of the substance used for vaccine production in Serbia. The start of vaccine production at the Torlak Institute is scheduled for May 20,” he said. Popovic.

It states that the “first phase” of Russian vaccine production in Serbia includes transportation of the substance, filling of bottles according to the highest technological standards, packaging and distribution of vaccines in Serbia and the region.

“After the establishment of the first production phase, we will start to draw up a feasibility study on production in the so-called ‘full cycle’, which includes the production of the substance in Serbia. This will require the purchase of complex technological equipment and expansion. of Torlak’s production capacity started at the end of this year, “Popovic said.

Popovic expressed his gratitude to the Russian partners for their help in locating the production of “Sputnik V” in Serbia.

“This is a historic moment for Serbia. With the help of our Russian brothers, we are restoring Serbian sovereignty in vaccine production, in which our country used to be one of the leaders in Europe,” Popovic said.
