Possibility of herd immunity after March


“We can expect herd immunity to the corona virus of about 60 percent of the population after March, if we can vaccinate 20 percent of the population,” said the epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff for the fight against kovid 19, Dr. Predrag Kon.

Children will not be vaccinated because, as Kon says, they are not covered by vaccine trials.

– It is a rule that any medicine, even vaccines, is applied to children, only after application to adults. Only when it turns out that there are no dangers for different groups of adults, even the very young can be vaccinated. The disease in children is rarely very serious and rarely ends fatally, and by the age of 10 it is almost non-existent, “Kon told Kurir.

When asked if we should be afraid because the British strain now attacks children a lot, he replied that natural fear, which causes concern and caution, certainly exists, but we should not panic.

– For the first time since the beginning of SAR-CoV-2, it showed a new variant and this mutation is associated with an increased transmission capacity. That news must be taken seriously. We have already seen what happened when the news from China was received without sufficient caution – he emphasized.

Kon said that each new variant can again cause an increase in the registration of the disease, theoretically it can lead to a recurrence of the disease, but it certainly cannot be the same disease as the first time.

He says that those who have had corona can also be vaccinated, but “as it is realistic that they have immunity, they should not apply at a time when they do not have enough vaccines, they could do it later.”

It will be realistic to think about removing our masks only in the second half of 2021, if we vaccinate en masse, says Kon, adding that this is the case if there are not such great changes in the virus that it generates a new disease, and we should be without new ones. infections for 28 days. , so there is no need for protection.

And the abolition of all measures is possible, according to Kon, only when the curve of the new infected is completely clear and the entire hospital is empty, and it will be when the number of new infected is in double digits.
