Porphyry: preserving Kosovo is a vital interest of the church, without it there is no future


The metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana, Porfirije, assessed tonight that Kosovo and Metohija are a question of identity of the Serbs and that, in case we lose it as the foundation of existence, he is not sure that “our people have future”.

He explained on TV Pink that this “does not imply enmity with anyone”, but that Kosovo and the church are “verticals that design the past and without (which) there is no future.”

“Kosovo is much more than a myth. The myth is a question of imagination, and Kosovo is a vote for our patriarch and our church, it is a question of identity … The vital (interest) of the church is the preservation of Kosovo and the construction of the Temple of San Sava, “said the metropolitan.

He also affirmed that he believes that the official church has no other space for action than the people and the state in which he lives, and that he sees cooperation with official institutions as a natural relationship.

“All the previous patriarchs were open to dialogue and cooperation with the state,” Porfirie said.

On the occasion of the death of the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej, Metropolitan Porfirio said that the Serbian Orthodox Church suffered a great blow, and that with his and the death of Metropolitan Amfilohije, the Church lost “the two strongest pillars” .

The Minister for Family Care and Demography, Radomir Dmitrović, assessed that the criticisms of the possible violation of epidemiological measures during the commemoration of Patriarch Irinej’s death were “absolutely expected” and that they came from “non-national and liberal meetings, mostly infidels and agnostics. ”

“(Those circles) that take every opportunity to attack the Serbian Orthodox Church … It is a story about them, about those who say that,” Dmitrović said.

Marija Zdravković, director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, said that accusations that people in the Saturday liturgy “lick their ponytails” during communion were “very humiliating for people who believe” but that “is of course there is a high probability of epidemics spreading (in such cases) “.

“You cannot say that 100 percent of everyone will contract (coronavirus) on such occasions,” Zdravkovic said.
