Politika Online – Due to the murder of the “resellers”, the fan leader was interrogated and later released.


A Belgrade fan leader, whose identity is known to our editorial office, was questioned by Serbian police in late September in connection with the murders of “Skaljarac” leader Igor Dedovic and his partner Stevan Stamatovic in Athens, and Alan Kozar and Damir Hadzic in Corfu. After questioning, no criminal charges were brought against him and he has been out of Serbia for some time, “Politika” learns unofficially. This fan leader was involved in the internal confrontation between the Partizan hooligans and the division into multiple groups. He is the leader of the largest branch of the South Stand.

Our newspaper was the first to announce that certain indications suggest that the aforementioned leader of the fans, that is, “his people”, also got involved in the liquidations of the members of the “scalping” clan in Greece. According to unofficial information, he was located in Thessaloniki a few hours after the double liquidation in Athens.

According to the same information, this fan celebrated the murders in Corfu with rich fireworks in one of the inland cities. Due to all these indications, he was questioned by the Serbian police.

Montenegrin investigators have come to the operational knowledge that behind the murders of Dedović and Stamatović, as well as Kožar and Hadžić, are several members of the fan group FK Rad from Belgrade, which is led by the leader of the fans VB, announced the Montenegrin “Victory” on Sunday.

In the research text “Victoria”, it is written that it is about amateurs between 20 and 27 years old, who were hired by “Kavcani” for several cruel liquidations of “resellers”. They claim that this hobby team is also responsible for several security kidnappings of interesting people who come into contact with the “scam” clan. Montenegrin inspectors are now receiving significant information about these crimes from underground, where there is supposedly panic, as executions have grown harsher and more brutal recently as clan leaders try to fight for supremacy in the drug market.

Investigation after the liquidation of Igor Dedović and Stevan Stamatović in Athens (Printscreen)

According to unofficial information, members of this relatively recently formed criminal group of amateurs have “backs” in the police, as indicated by the information that no proceedings were initiated against them this summer, although some of them were arrested with weapons. larger. In addition to the murders, according to unofficial information, members of the group are also responsible for the abductions of several people about whom nothing is known even after several months.

An interlocutor of “Politika”, instructed in the investigation of these cases, says that he does not believe in the thesis that the fanatics are behind the murders in Greece because, as much as they are engaged in criminal activities, they are not specialized in this type settlement. Our interlocutor believes that well-trained people were hired for these settlements. On the other hand, our source is convinced that the fans were involved in the abductions of certain people.

“The fan groups are criminal clans. All these young hooligans are potential criminals, and their leaders and the circle of people around them are already ‘professionals’ in the business. There is not much philosophy in their business.” Depending on the type of At work, the leaders of the fanatic ranks hire the right types of criminals who do all the tasks for money, “says our interlocutor.

As for the problem of fans working for the mafia, our interlocutor points out that it is a serious problem in Serbia that has been “nurtured” since the 1990s.

“It has now reached a high level of criminalization. Its exclusion from other forms of crime will go hand in hand with the fight against the mafia.” If that fight does not take place or if it is selective, the criminals will remain untouchable and intact and will work together with people from the state structures, as well as for each powerful person who pays them well, “concluded our interlocutor.

In just six months, the “resellers” were without the main man: Dedović and three of his closest associates. All four died in Greece and only a small number of them knew where they were hiding.

The Montenegrin “Victoria” writes that the criminals discovered the traitor in that way, and as suspected, they kidnapped him, tortured him in the most brutal way, in the end they killed him, dismembered his body and buried him. According to well-informed experts on the situation in hiding, this method was taken up by the “people on the couch” and they began to kidnap the “scallops”, torture them, mutilate them and hide body parts in various places.

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