
In recent days, the citizens of Novi Sad have been quite intrigued by the mysterious noise that makes them almost never sleep, and several citizens claim that the last time this happened was on Friday night around 10 at night. . Then the constant irritating noise lasted almost until midnight.

Many do not know what it is about, they say that it seems to them as if planes are constantly flying over their houses.

However, these are not flying objects or any mystical phenomenon. It involves connecting the Te-To to the district heating system or in a possible emergency, as a result of which air is released from the boilers and pipes to equalize the pressure.

– Never heard so loud. We found out that it is a thermal power station, but I also remember the previous years when they were connected, they could be heard during the day for a while, but the sound was very weak. This is harassment now, it lasted two hours last night. Five days ago, it also rang and hissed for two hours at night. The whole city resonates with that noise. I called the Information and Alert Center and they told me that everything was fine and that I was sleeping peacefully. 150 people have already called them, they add. Which only means that it annoys the citizens – Gordana, who lives in the center of Novi Sad, told “Blic”.

Te-To and the Public Service Company “Novosadska toplana” have not yet announced this time, nor have they clarified whether it is a regular connection or an accident has occurred. Through a statement, on Tuesday, November 17, the Te-To connection was announced, while the following day, November 18, the night work of the accident at the Main Distribution Station was announced.

– Starting at 9:00 p.m., the connection of the district heating system of the Novi Sad heating plant to the “TE-TO Novi Sad” system will begin, which may cause disturbances in the supply of thermal energy for heating and hot water preparation in the heating zone of the “South” heating plant. in the thermal areas of the heating plants “East” and “North” – announced then from the heating plant.
