
A neighbor recounted the details of a terrible family tragedy.

Around 7.30 a fight was heard, I heard Branislav say: “No Stanislav, not by M.”, it is his son The boy was crying and then a knife was heard, then I ran out and saw him flee. the neighbor’s garden and she chases him. “

With these words, the neighbor of the couple Stanislava and Branislav M. de Zrenjanin, recounts the drama that preceded the murder this morning in the settlement of Baglješ in Zrenjanin.

As the neighbor Miša K. told “Blic”, she ran away when she realized what was happening at her first neighbors’ house.

Photo: Informer / TV IN

– I saw Branislav running away from her. He jumped into the neighbor’s yard where there were traces of blood, went out the gate and went to the corner of the street. But there he caught up with him with two large knives. Then she stabbed her in the chest and in the head, I think she finished her off with those stabs – said the neighbor.

Other neighbors, hearing about the fierce fight between the spouses, immediately rushed to separate them, but it was too late for Branislav because, according to unofficial information, his wife stabbed him while he was still sleeping.

Photo: Informer / TV IN

She lowered the knives in her hands in cold blood and entered the house. He took his daughter and the car keys with the intention of leaving, but we kept her and took her keys. All that time, she reacted calmly, the story of a neighbor.

According to our reporter at the scene, this morning Stanislava could be heard telling the police that she killed him because Branislav drugged her.

Neighbors also say that Stanislava, a former teacher at a primary school in Zrenjanin, was probably unemployed so she could dedicate herself to her daughter because the girl does not attend kindergarten.

Photo: file

– He’s a programmer, he worked from home. They were always together. They seemed like a harmonious couple, we always saw them with their daughter, no one could guess that this would happen. They moved onto the streets a couple of years ago, no one had an ugly word to say about them – neighbors say.

Let us remind you that Stanislava was soon arrested and detained for up to 48 hours.
