PETAR PETKOVIC ANSWERED TO TADIC: Decimated the army and abolished the Pristina Corps, time to go to another movie – silly


This is stated in tonight’s press release from Petar Petković, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, who adds that Boris Tadić remains one of the favorite Serbian politicians in Pristina today, as in the last twelve years, along with Vuk Jeremić, whom all Albanian politicians and the public thank.

– Tadic enjoys a reputation in Pristina for his amateur moves with Jeremic because he is directly responsible for the fact that the self-proclaimed Kosovo received confirmation of the legality of the declaration of independence from the International Court of Justice, which the Pristina separatists still used as the biggest political argument in international communication – adds director Petkovic stating that Tadic, who weakened Serbia’s position in the southern province and aggravated the position of the Serbian people, would be remembered as one of the biggest destroyers of state interests and Serbian nationals in history and as one of the greatest allies of the Albanian separatist movement.

– For all that, that man, who decimated the Serbian army and abolished the legendary Pristina Corps, should finally go to another movie – silly – underlines the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, in a press release.

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