PEOPLE BEWARE! New crown section, the danger has not passed yet!


In the last 24 hours, 14,987 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 3,136 of them tested positive, while sadly 46 people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 283 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

Remember, yesterday we had 2,559 positive coronavirus out of 11,190 people tested while 43 people died. According to yesterday’s cross section, there were 288 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia, which was significantly less than the day before, when there were 305 of them.

So far black daily records of the crown his: most positive in one day – 7,999, most people on respirators – 353, most tests – 22,837 and most deceased – 69.

The Serbian Government today adopted Crisis Staff decisions that restaurants and cafes operate until 6 p.m. on December 31 and January 1, and food facilities until 8 p.m., confirmed to “Blic” in the Government of Serbia. By the way, the existing measures have been extended until January 11, that is, apart from these two days, the catering facilities, as well as the shops, can operate until 8:00 p.m. As a reminder, grocery stores are open until 9pm

Prof. Dr Branislav Tiodorović said today that we can think of a more serious easing of the measures in the spring. Read more about it here.

VIDEO: Vucic: We expect around 86,000 Pfizer vaccines in January
