10.15.2020. 07:31 – 15.10.2020. 07:39
The Mali minister said that according to that, the payment begins today and during today subsidies will be paid for 84 hotels, amounting to 338.6 million dinars.

euro, euros, money, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
The Minister of Finance, Siniša Mali, announced that today begins the payment of subsidies to hoteliers in the amount of 350 euros per single bed and 150 euros in dinar equivalents per accommodation unit.
A total of 1.24 billion dinars was set aside for this purpose.
Mali claimed that subsidies were approved for 314 hotel facilities, employing almost 10,000 people, in order to support companies in the conditions of the coronavirus epidemic.
“The procedure is very quick and easy, and hoteliers have been opening dedicated dinar subaccounts in the Treasury Administration at their branches since last week. We remind you that you have until Monday, October 19 to open the aforementioned subaccounts,” he says. Mali.
As advertised Ministry of FinanceMali said that according to that, the payment starts today and during today subsidies will be paid for 84 hotels, in the amount of 338.6 million dinars.
In the next few days, he adds, the rest of the payments will follow.
The Minister specified that, in accordance with the agreed dynamics, the Finance Department presents to the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications a list of accounts opened for this purpose in order to make all payments in the most efficient manner, as soon as possible. and as soon as possible.
“From conversations with hoteliers in the city, we realized that this support will mean something to them and that it came at the right time, because otherwise they were thinking of laying off employees and closing the hotel,” Mali said.
With this support, says the minister, most of them will be able to complete the financial year and partially cover their expenses.
According to him, the maintenance costs of hotels in cities are high, especially in the context of a huge loss of income due to the small percentage of occupancy of accommodation capacities, which ranged below 10 percent during key months. of the summer.
“We did not want to allow this driving part of the sector to be disappointed. Urban hotels have always driven the tourism industry and urban tourism has had a large share in our tourism revenue, which in 2019 exceeded 1.4 billion euros,” Mali said .
He noted that the decision to help hotels in the city was well thought out and focused, and that he hoped it would have its effects in the future.