Parliamentarians Asked About Human Rights, Kosovo and Djilas – Politics


Today, the deputies of the Serbian Assembly continued the session considering four amendments to the draft budget for 2021.

MPs asked about human rights, Kosovo and Djilas 1Photo: Bojan Cvejić

At the beginning of today’s session, the deputies of the Serbian Assembly made use of the right to ask questions of the competent institutions.

The president of the parliamentary group United Valley – SDA Sandzak, Shaip Kamberi, said that today is Human Rights Day, and that Serbia cannot boast of results in that area because there is no public dialogue, freedom of expression and commitment to minorities .

Kamberi said that censorship is in force, that the media are a propaganda tool of the government and that they fight against imaginary enemies with “Stalinist methods”, that there is no progress in the rule of law and that is why there are no open chapters in the negotiations with the European Union.

It asked the Serbian government what steps it would take to remove these obstacles to progress towards the EU.

The deputy of the Socialist Party of Serbia Djordje Milicevic thanked the authorities for respecting human rights and stated that no Serb should speak in any parliament the way Shaip Kamberi speaks here.

Milicevic said that Kosovo’s independence promoters are announcing a new course for the US administration, announcing the blockade of Serbia’s European path until it recognizes Kosovo and using the same rhetoric from 20 years ago, and asked if current events could affect the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. .

Nebojsa Bakarec, deputy of the list “Aleksandar Vucic – For our children”, requested a notification to the Ministry of the Interior and the Public Prosecutor’s Office about the suspicion that unidentified people damaged Belgrade for eight million euros paid for consulting services for the construction of the bridge over Ada.

He read a statement claiming to be a “protected witness”, delivered to the “MUP and a media outlet”, in which he accused former mayor Dragan Djilas of a crime.

In the continuation of the session, the deputies are considering four amendments to the draft budget for 2021. The competent committee accepted three amendments tabled by the Government of Serbia and the amendment of the parliamentary group United Valley – SDA Sandzak was rejected.

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