Parents of the youngest elementary school students also TOTALLY REMOVE CHILDREN FROM SCHOOLS for fear of infection, here is the situation in CITIES


In September, only a small number of parents decided to have their children attend distance education, and now that number has doubled, in some schools even tripled. Although as of Monday, primary school seniors and all high school students are completely switching to the Internet throughout Serbia, it is evident that the parents of younger students withdrew their students from school en masse. for fear of the spread of infection.

As the crisis staff for the fight against kovid 19 made a decision yesterday, all high school students, as well as elementary students from fifth to eighth grade, will follow classes at school tomorrow and will be online starting Monday. However, this measure does not apply to students in the lower grades of primary schools, nor to kindergartens that continue to function normally, while higher education institutions are recommended to switch to online classes.

In addition, the decision of the crisis staff postponed the winter holidays and will last from December 21 to January 18 for all students on the territory of all Serbia.

However, it will turn out that parents voluntarily withdrew their children, that is, the youngest schoolchildren, those who attend from the first to the fourth grade.


Given the current epidemiological situation, the principals of primary schools in Belgrade are not surprised by the increasing number of requests from parents for their children to attend distance education.

More and more elementary school parents want their children to follow classes online

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

More and more elementary school parents want their children to follow classes online.

Of the 870 students at the primary school “Zmaj Jova Jovanović”, at the beginning of the school year, 25 opted for online classes, while in the November 18 quarter that number was 73.

– Since then, we have received six more requests for the transition to online teaching. Parents often cite their relatives’ concerns about the spread of the epidemic as the reason, says “Blic” director Vesna Životić, adding that they currently have two positive students from one family.

The number of students switching to the Internet at Đura Daničić primary school has doubled: 38 students attended distance education in September and 86 in November. Principal Irena Ivanov-Kaličanin says the reasons are different, but that it predominates fear of infection.

At the beginning of the school year at the primary school “Janko Veselinović”, 5% of the parents voted for distance education. It is remarkable, says for “Blic” the director of this school, Dragan Stanković, that the number of students who switch to online classes has been increasing in recent days, and currently that number is around 12 percent.

– According to our information, several students switched to online classes due to positive cases in the family, where a measure of isolation was determined. Fear is present in a certain number, because there are chronic patients in the family – says Stanković.

Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

The principal of the primary school “Gavrilo Princip”, Miloš Tasić, also says that a higher number of requests for the transition to the network is evident in relation to September, when only a few students attended distance education.

– Right now, about eight percent of our students are in online classes. According to our information, a smaller number of students attend classes online due to parental fear due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, while the majority switch to distance classes because they are isolated due to an infected family member and these students automatically switch to line – points.

The principal of the “Branislav Nusic” primary school, Mariana Stefanovic, also realizes that parents are withdrawing their children from school in droves. As one of the reasons, he claims that many parents work from home, so it is safer for them to have children at home as well.


Before the new crisis staff decision was made yesterday, the entire “Bora Stanković” gymnasium switched to online classes because the virus was confirmed in five teachers, five were in self-isolation due to contacts, and at one point four students tested positive while several were isolated due to their parents. This was confirmed for “Blic” by the director of the Nis School Administration, Dragan Gejo.

– The entire “Bora Stanković” gymnasium was transferred online because it is under the same roof as the Stevan Sremnac gymnasium, so the danger is greater because the frequency of shortening of students is higher. “Stevan Sremac” did not log in, but the situation is being monitored – said Gejo.

Photo: RAS Serbia

Nis primary schools of “Stefan Nemanja” primary school and “Dusan Radovic” primary school have partially switched to the Internet, from fifth to eighth grade, while younger students usually go to school. “Stefan Nemanja” has eight positive teachers and several students who have already recovered, while “Dusan Radovic” has seven positive teachers plus a volunteer and several sick students.

In the words of the director of the Administration of the Nis School, which also covers the educational institutions of the Pirot district area, the secondary school in Pirot and the primary school “Hristo Botev” in Dimitrovgrad have already been connected.

– There, the municipality declared an emergency situation and, as they say, there are many sick parents, so we went to online classes. The decision to go online is made by crisis staff, and we only approve and inform the Ministry of Education about it. I think the situation is cleaner in schools than at home, I think that children and teachers are not infected at school – said Gejo.

In Nis, only two, three teachers and some teachers were hired through the National Employment Service, as replacements owed to the crown. Gayo says that teaching staff were hired from the job market because they don’t have tech layoffs, but that classes were first replaced by teachers who don’t have the full standard.

– We have created a base of teachers who do not have full standards, who lack 50 to 80 percent of the classes for the full standard. Then the teachers of the subject worked on the norm, because according to the law, they can work up to 130 percent. That is why very little was hired from the labor market, because only those who do not have full standards supplement the standards. We brought two teachers from the labor market to “Stefan Nemanja” primary school and “Miroslav Antić” primary school, and English and art teachers were also sought.


Even in Subotica schools, some parents feel that it is safer for their children to attend classes from home. The principal of the primary school “Matko Vukovic”, Mirjana Stevanovic, says that the situation at the school is stable and that no one has been infected yet, but there are requests to connect.

And in Subotica elementary school

Photo: BV / RAS Serbia

At the “Matko Vukovic” primary school in Subotica, parents ask to transfer their children to online classes.

– Colleagues say parents have started calling and want their children to attend classes online. If the trend of spreading the virus in the city continues, we may have a problem with the organization of classes. We need to connect as soon as possible while we still have people. A person who is on sick leave cannot work online. This is not fully understood and it is very important that we connect at the right time. We successfully prevent the spread of infection at school, but we can’t do it anywhere else, and that’s why it’s important for us to save our colleagues who can also work online, says Stevanović, adding that schools must also have replacements. professionals.

– Nobody can work in an electronic classroom. That’s an added burden, because the replacement needs to be distance-learning capable, he notes.

Parents whose children attend “Kizur Istvan” primary school have yet to go directly to the school, but many report a “child coughing”.

– I also notice that there is less pressure on extended stays, certainly there are those who want children to connect now. It should have been online since the beginning of this week, because if someone is on covid sick leave, they are not required to work because they are on sick leave. How and with whom to work for us then. I hope we are all online – says the director of this school, Dejan Andjelović.


Jasmina Pastonjicki, president of Aktiva, director of primary schools in Novi Sad and director of the primary school “Vasa Stajić”, says that the vast majority of parents still want their children to go to school.

– About 1,000 pupils at the level of all primary schools attend classes at home. Most of them are isolated because someone in their family is infected. In our school, only a few parents demanded that their children be transferred to online classes until they saw what would happen in the next few weeks. The vast majority of parents want their children to go to school and will transfer them to online classes only if necessary, Pastonjicki said.

According to data from the Novi Sad City Council of Education, 36 students and 107 employees were infected with the corona virus in primary schools over the weekend, and 850 students and 96 employees are in isolation. In secondary schools, 111 students and 43 employees were infected, while 359 children and 50 employees were isolated.
