Online policy: priority is given to roads and railways


The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirovic, expects Serbia to emerge from the crown of the crisis in the new 2021 and continue with the accelerated implementation of infrastructure projects, and the priority is to complete the construction of the section of the Milos highway. Veliki from Preljina to Pozega for the end of the year. Belgrade to Novi Sad.

Momirovic told Tanjug that most of the investments are being made in the construction of roads and railways, which will quickly network our country and allow it to quickly get from one end to the other.

“We have to finish the Preljina – Požega highway and the Belgrade – Novi Sad express train, and there is no discussion or compromise,” Momirović said.

Other strategic projects, he says, are the construction of the Moravian Pojate – Preljina corridor, then the Frushkogorski corridor from Novi Sad to Ruma, the Ruma – Sabac highway and the Sabac – Loznica expressway.

In addition, the construction of the section of the road from Belgrade to Sarajevo Kuzmin – Sremska Raca, the completion of the beltway around Belgrade and the construction of apartments for members of the army, police and security services.

He adds that he personally hopes that we will emerge from this medical crisis in 2021.

(Photo by Andjelko Vasiljevic)

“Economic and social activities are completely difficult and I hope that we will start to get out of them slowly. “As you know, Serbia is one of the first countries in Europe to initiate vaccination, which is not a coincidence,” said the minister.

“Serbia has helped many countries that are much more developed than it.” Now the situation is repeating itself and Serbia is among the first countries to enter into vaccination. If we manage to vaccinate enough people, first of all, the elderly, we would be among the first to come out of the crisis or start to come out, ”says Momirović, who is a member of the crisis staff.

The price at which we can solve that problem is no longer important, he mentioned and emphasized that everyone who will fight with the crown will easily reimburse those economic expenses later.
