One in five million: medical worker vacancies are bogus


The “One in Five Million” association says that even though there are not enough medical personnel in Serbia, a nurse from Bor cannot be employed in the profession. They report that the competitions to hire medical workers in Serbia are false.

“So far the false help of Aleksandar Vučić and Zlatibor Lončar, who say that Serbia needs medical workers, allegedly begging Serbian doctors to return from Germany to promise them work. So much for their false care of sick people and medical workers that they are falling from exhaustion, as well as because they themselves became infected while treating the sick ”, it is said in the announcement of that association.

They claim that a nurse from Bor went to the hospital where they told her to look for workers and that “instead of working, she was greeted by the head nurse, with a trash can and the words: ‘Throw it away, me too. She threw the previous 30 CVs before than yours. “

They told him that “all these job vacancies are false”, and even if they hire someone, “they are the ones that have a private school, not a public one,” according to the “1 in 5 million” movement.

The aforementioned nurse is also a member of that movement.

“We do not believe that she has been given a revenge trash can against her personally for her social activism. It is a revenge of this regime towards all of Serbia, towards kovid patients, towards nekovid patients, towards doctors and medical workers, towards people. a trash can, “says the movement.

“How many more must be infected? How many more sick people must be sent home because there is no free hospital bed? How many more tears must a doctor publicly shed because there is nowhere to put a sick person? You, Vučić and Lončar, did you ask for conscience and morality? “, Asks” 1 in 5 million “.

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