On Tuesday, crisis personnel were ambushed due to catering facilities in Belgrade


The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, said that tomorrow morning there will be a meeting of the Crisis Staff, with an emphasis on the control of the catering facilities and the behavior of the people in them.

He stated in the Belgrade Chronicle on RTS that the situation in the region speaks of the dynamics of the epidemic and that there is no room for relaxation.

“The meeting will be attended by members of the militia and communal inspection, in order to further strengthen control. 50 percent of people wear masks in the streets, which is commendable, and most people wear them in the bus. The communal militia warns and draws attention to the use of masks and they did not punish those who do not do it because we do not insist on that, but if the situation worsens, we will insist on that, “said Radojicic, adding that the measures introduced turned out to be good, but it is important to continue with a responsible behavior.

He stressed that in the previous period and during the epidemic the importance of urban traffic was demonstrated.

“At the time of the greatest crisis and at critical moments, employees showed a great degree of responsibility and high organization that delivered results. We have 1,500 buses on the ground, ”said the mayor.

He added that epidemiologists define procedures and we act accordingly.

“The main emphasis is on contact and droplet infection, so the buses are disinfected according to epidemiological measures, and I think there is not a great risk. The essence is to wear a mask and keep your distance, and these are measurements that give results that show the current figures ”. said the mayor.

He pointed out that the issue of mobility is one of the most important issues in our city.

“Mobility Week has been celebrated since 2002. Mobility means that the number of cars is increasing in all major cities, including Belgrade. Belgrade has more than 600 thousand cars and the number is increasing by 50 thousand a year. The emphasis is on on more pedestrians and biking, ”Radojicic said.

He also said that the City of Belgrade is planning the infrastructure in the direction of increasing the bike lanes, which we currently have 100 kilometers, and the goal is to have more of them.

“It is about one percent, and in the next five to six years we expect it to be four percent. Up to five kilometers may be the optimal way to walk, five to ten are bicycles and behind are the less polluting vehicles. This hierarchy is something that should be constantly talked about and called attention to, and it is up to the City Council to plan the infrastructure and repair it year after year to take a turn in this field, “said Radojicic.

He stated that the problem of pollution in Belgrade, but also in the region, is between 30 and 50 years old.

This problem has recently become relevant, which will help to solve it faster. Mobility is extremely important and at the time of the crown we saw that the air was better when fewer vehicles were used. Promoting the principle of mobility is one of the aspects that will affect a better air in the city ”, he said.

He adds that last year 174 buses were purchased and the purchase of another 150 is expected, which will be in accordance with standards that do not pollute the environment.

“Around 80 percent of city buses use ecological engines, Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. From September 16 to 22 there will be a mobility week during which we will promote the theme of ecological mobility every day through various activities “, he concluded. Radojicic called on all the inhabitants of Belgrade to participate in these activities in order to improve the situation and sensitize people to this important problem, reports the city’s Information Secretariat.


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Author: delivery courier
