On Sunday, your biorhythm changes significantly – let’s go back an hour, here’s exactly when!



22.10.2020. 15:35 – 22.10.2020. 18:15

The transition to summer and winter time was first recorded in 1916 in northern European countries, and has so far been introduced in about 70 countries, mainly in the northern hemisphere.

clock, wake up call, alarm clock, alarm clock

clock, wake up, alarm, alarm clock, Photo: Shutterstock

Daylight saving time ends on Sunday, October 25, that is, like every year, the last weekend in October.

This coming weekend, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, the hands of the clock should return from 3 to 2 o’clock, that is, go back one hour.

Should the movement of the hand be abolished?

Daylight saving time, whose objective is mainly to save electricity, was introduced for the first time in our country on March 27, 1983. Since 1995, the hands of the clocks moved in the last week of September, based on decisions taken by the government, and in 2006 a new law was passed in that area and summer time was harmonized with the European Union.

The “official time” in the world runs until late winter or early spring and goes back to fall, usually by one hour, but the exact number of times and dates of change are determined locally and are subject to change.

The movement of the hands in Western Europe was introduced in the early 1970s, with the explanation that it “lengthens” the working day, saves on electricity consumption, increases productivity, improves people’s adaptation and makes more efficient the working day.

The date of the movement of the hands varies from country to country, so in the Northern Hemisphere, daylight saving time begins in the last week of March or the first week of April. The time change is made in most cases at night between Saturday and Sunday, so as not to cause major problems for the workforce.

The transition to summer and winter time was first recorded in 1916 in northern European countries, and has so far been introduced in about 70 countries, mainly in the northern hemisphere.

Since 2002, the European Union, like other countries in Europe, has determined that daylight saving time begins in the last week of March and ends in the last week of October.

In the southern hemisphere, the beginning and end of daylight saving time are reversed relative to the north. Most modern computer operating systems have the ability to automatically switch to daylight saving time.

However, some astronomers are against moving their hands and artificially “lengthening” the day, because they believe that nature should not be “tortured”, even if justified by economic calculations.
