Belgrade – A recommendation has been posted on the website of the Ministry of Commerce, listing the items that passengers should pay attention to when paying for the package.
Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, peshkova
“It is recommended that passengers, from October 1, 2020, when buying a new trip, as well as when organizing a replacement trip, pay attention to whether the travel agency organizing the tourist trip has a license and a guarantee prescribed travel, “says the ministry’s website.
Citizens of Serbia who in the previous period, during the coronavirus pandemic, independently paid for interference in another country and did not use it, will probably have to return the money in court.
According to lawyer Aleksandar Cveji, it is important to be careful and it is best to go to our agency and make an arrangement, but also to be careful with what is signed, especially with what is written in lower case.
Let us remind you that travel agencies in Serbia have the same work permits in two days. In order to apply for new permits, you must have a travel guarantee that is contracted as a bank guarantee or insurance policy.
As Alexander Senii, director of Utah, said, “insurance companies have been issuing these policies until now, it was by inertia years ago, for a while they even went up according to the risks evaluated by the insurers, but unfortunately that has not happened now.