NO MORE GAMES WITH THE TAX Apart from PRISON, the new law also provided fines, and the third sanction hurts a lot.


The reforms to the tax law have not only opened the way for the deferral of tax payments, but also the way for severe penalties for all businessmen who turn a deaf ear to the payment of VAT. And the punishment is both a fine and a prison sentence.

The third sanction foreseen is the key to the lock, which is an additional direct intrusion into the pockets of the entrepreneurs because there is no income and the costs go away.

This issue is regulated by the amendment of the article on tax fraud and refers exclusively to entrepreneurs who are in the VAT system, that is, those who have an annual turnover of more than 8 million dinars.

As expected, all those who avoid paying VAT for an amount greater than one million dinars, can be fined or sentenced to prison from one to five years. The same sanction applies to entrepreneurs who do not file or do a tax return, but do not report the exact content.

 Photo: Profimedia

“If the amount of the value added tax exceeds 5 million dinars, the penalty is imprisonment of two to eight years and a fine, and if it exceeds 15 million dinars, the prison term of three to ten years is followed of a fine “.

A security measure that prohibits the performance of vocations, activities and duties for one to five years will be imposed on the natural person, businessman and person responsible in legal person – taxpayer for this crime.

“For tax evasion of more than one million dinars, the lower prison limit has been increased from six months to one year, and for an amount of more than 5 million dinars, a prison sentence has been threatened from one to eight years, and now it’s two to eight. ” , explains in an interview for “Blic Biznis” tax expert Đerđ Pap.

According to him, the second change refers to the limit of unpaid taxes, so the second category of tax offense was calculated at 3 million dinars, and now it is 5 million. The third category was set at 10 million, and now refers to unpaid VAT of more than 15 million dinars, which is practically a partial relaxation of the law towards taxpayers.

Who pays the VAT?

The VAT revenue goes to the state. It is paid by all participants in the buying and selling transactions, and all goods and services are taxable. The general tax rate is 20 percent and the special rate, which applies only to certain goods and services, is 10 percent.

Taxpayers calculate VAT on a monthly basis and report it to the Tax Administration on the 15th of the month.

All those commercial entities that have reached a total turnover of more than 8 million dinars in the last 12 months are compulsorily registered in the VAT system.

All those entities that have achieved a turnover of less than 8 million dinars are not required to register in the VAT system, but can do so voluntarily, if they so wish.

All companies that enter the VAT system for the first time become monthly taxpayers during the first two years of operation. After that, if they achieve a total turnover of more than 50 million dinars in one year, they will remain monthly contributors. If they have less turnover than that, they become quarterly bondholders.
