No agreement will be implemented until the final one is signed


Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti said at a press conference dedicated to the EC Progress Report on the Western Balkans that none of the dialogues will be implemented without reaching a final agreement with Serbia, Lajmi reports.

Hoti said that the Kosovo government has no reason to obstruct the dialogue process. According to him, there is no other solution than to acknowledge and reach a final agreement.

– This government is not afraid to start a dialogue like the others. We will sit at the table, because the principles are clear and agreed in the country, but we have also been in agreement with our international friends. We start from the fact that there is no other way to resolve the issue between Kosovo and Serbia than through dialogue. Even if it takes one, two or even five years, we will have a dialogue all the way to the final of mutual recognition at the existing borders. There is no other solution – said Hoti.

The Kosovo Prime Minister added that he is not afraid to address all the issues of the dialogue, because, as he added, the Government has clear principles, it writes “Kosovo Online”.

– We conduct the dialogue equally as two neighboring countries that do not know each other. And based on that, I think we should all support this important process. When I say that the JCC issue is closed, I mean in the sense that it is a 2013 agreement that was ratified in the Kosovo Assembly, and that is another principle from the beginning of 2015, and that is the opinion of the Constitutional Court. . From this point of view, this issue is closed, but it is the obligation of the state of Kosovo and we will respect it – said Hoti.

But, he added, the principles are applied in the dialogue process and “nothing begins to be implemented until a final agreement with mutual recognition is reached.”

– Because we do not fix the dialogue process as a temporary solution, but as a final solution that closes it once and for all, normalizes forever the relations between the two countries – Hoti emphasized.
