NATO on Serbia’s decision on military exercises: we do not plan any special events


“We have not planned any special events with Serbia in the coming months, but we remain committed to the partnership for the sake of stability and security in the region,” said an anonymous official from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). partners.

After the Government session, Aleksandar Vulin, the Serbian Defense Minister, explained that decision, claiming that Serbia is, as he himself said, under terrible and undeserved pressure from the European Union.

“In the next period, we will not participate in any military exercises or activities with NATO, CSTO, Russia, the United States, China, the European Union, the East or the West. Our participation in peacekeeping operations will be especially considered and, if necessary, suspended, “Vulin said in a statement issued Wednesday.

In a written response from an anonymous NATO official to Voice of America The North Atlantic Alliance was said to have a long-term partnership with Serbia, which, as noted, is appreciated.

“Like all of our partnerships, it is based on the needs of the partner country,” the North Atlantic Alliance said in response.

The Voice of America approached Peter Stan, the spokesman for the European Union, to comment on these statements by Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin. No response has been sent yet.

Among other things, Vulin noted that Serbia is being asked to abandon military exercises with Belarus.

“Serbia is asked to leave the planned military exercises with Belarus at the cost of leaving the European future and at the cost of even greater pressure on Serbian politics, but also on the Serbian people in Kosovo and the Republika Srpska,” Vulin said, reported the Fonet agency.

The Defense Minister claims that such pressure is pointless.

“They are not based on our decisions or our actions, not even in reality, they are the result of the hysteria that determines the decisions and political directions of large and powerful countries,” Vulin stressed.

Previously, Voice of America reported that the armies of Belarus, Russia, and Serbia should participate in joint military exercises in Belarus from September 10-15.

Previously, that information was published by Reuters, referring to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

At the same time, Radio Free Europe announced on Tuesday that the Belarusian Defense Ministry confirmed on the social network Telegram that the military exercise “Slavic Brotherhood 2020” would take place in that country and that the armies of Russia and Serbia would also participate.

On Tuesday, the Serbian Defense Ministry did not respond to Voice of America inquiries about the possible holding of a joint military exercise by Russia, Belarus and Serbia.
