Ivica Dacic, President of the Assembly and leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia, believes that in the next presidential elections, the SNS and the SPS should run with a joint candidate, but also have a joint list for the parliamentary and municipal (extraordinary) elections . Dacic states in a conversation with Kurir that the creation of such a common front should begin as soon as possible.

As of this month, the deputies have higher salaries. Did they deserve this raise?
– The salaries of the deputies follow the salaries of the public sector, so that is the increase that the Ministry of Finance has determined for everyone. The National Assembly really had a hard and efficient job. In the two months since I was elected, there have been eight sessions and in the next ten days there will be three more. And so it will be all next year.
Do you miss a little more opposition in the Assembly?
– Part of the opposition has excluded themselves from parliamentary life, although the question is that if they had participated in the elections, who would have exceeded that very low threshold of three percent? Parliament is a place where opinions must be confronted, so I think that your decision is not a good one. Unless they think they can come to power without elections, which I think some really think that the Assembly should occupy itself, and not win a seat in the elections.
Let’s go back to the functioning of parliament … It was recently established that parliamentary parking was abused. What exactly happened there?
– This was dealt with by the board of directors. I’m not familiar with the details, because I haven’t been to this place before, but from what I’ve heard, there was talk of misuse of the parking decals. All that will be corrected now.
How about Zorana Mihajlović’s “threats” to bring Dušan Bajatović, or “Srbijagas”, to order? Do you think that, as party boss, I should have taken a stand a bit for Bajatović?
– I have said before that I am the president of the National Assembly and I am not going to deal with something that does not suit me. As President Vučić said, the only thing I can do is invite you all to find a common language so that you can work together in the interest of Serbia.
And you often call Zorana Mihajlović. Why? You must not say anything to anyone else on the SNS or …
– I never call anyone, I only react to non-argued attacks, someone to direct them. When it comes to Zorana Mihajlović, I didn’t say anything to her, I didn’t even speak to her. I believe that the only response to the joint appearance of the opposition, with the dirty campaign that will surely follow, as well as the enormous money that will be invested in it from the country and abroad, may be the joint appearance of the ruling coalition, both in the presidential and parliamentary elections. and municipal elections. I don’t see that he said anything bad to insult her. I don’t know why Zoran or someone else from the SNS is against my supporting Vučić, I really don’t understand it, but the SNS should think about that.
Will the SPS and the SNS have a common candidate in the presidential elections?
– I made it very clear what my position is, a joint candidate for the presidency and therefore a joint list for the parliamentary and municipal elections, because it is impossible to separate, it is not logical to have a candidate and special lists. It is a united Serbia against the united opposition of Serbia. For that to take effect, in terms of uniting all of our individual voters, the creation of that front must begin as soon as possible, one cannot speak of two months before the elections. That is the main reason I am talking about it now. Vučić and I look beyond the interests of our party, we are only interested in which direction Serbia will move after 2022. That is my opinion. If the SNS thinks differently, no problem, everyone will act individually. Maybe someone in the SNS thinks that he can be a candidate instead of Vučić, but that mirage is impossible. SNS: that’s Vucic.

About a new job
I entered the Assembly as a child, I am honored to lead it now
Where is it more pleasant, in the Government or in the Assembly? How do you deal with having to get up early for a session?
– Each job has its own details. For a man who is a politician and does not need elements of power to accompany him and various specific interests, the National Assembly is a central and appropriate place. I started my political life in parliament 28 years ago. And it is a great honor for me to become the president of the institution that I entered as a child.
About the above function
Diplomacy is a thing of the past for me
Are you in contact with any of your former fellow foreign ministers?
– Many of them sent me congratulations or called me on the phone. But it’s a thing of the past for me, I’ve turned to new challenges. I wish Minister Selaković all the best and success in his work, and he can count on my help in whatever he may need.
Katarina Blagović

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